128 BB hurting my chances?

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Full Member
May 16, 2023
Reaction score
Hi all, let me start by saying I am happy with my score overall (519: 130/129/128/132), and applying broadly, but worried about my BB score. It was a disappointment since I was scoring 130s and a 131 in the lead-up to the real thing, but oh well, what's done is done.

My advisors/mentors tell me I have a real shot at the "top" programs (like T10) due to strong letters, story, ECs, clinical, research exp, MCAT, but I haven't brought the BB score up with them specifically. Worth noting I have a nearly perfect science GPA, am nontraditional so did a postbac/was coming from a non-science background, so maybe it will be viewed differently? I am applying broadly to 30 schools, so I know this isn't a concern for most schools on my list, but am I immediately going to be screened out by some admissions committees?

I checked MSAR and I am below the 10th percentile cutoff of 129 for a handful - just wondering if anyone can speak to how closely they will scrutinize my overall score vs. subsection scores vs. factor in strong research/GPA to give me a chance.

Thanks so much for your insight.

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It's only important for the schools where it is important. (Sorry, that sounds like a cop-out because it is.) In holistic review, we look for more than one data point to consider competency, so if you have strong grades, research, or other evidence showing strong biosci preparation, the low BB subscore isn't going to be a problem unless the school has some insight that their curriculum does not work well with applicants with low MCAT BB scores. I don't know which school curricula fit this profile.