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Aug 9, 2017
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Case's COA is 100k/year. I think it's absurd. Since you're IS for UVA, I would pick them. It will be over 100k cheaper than Case by the time you graduate. And this is before interest calculations, which will likely increase the number by the time you graduate. Of course, you didn't mention any financial aid, so I am assuming that you will be paying full COA.
Thank you for taking the time to reply! I should have clarified--I received enough financial aid from CWRU to offset the difference in COA between CWRU & UVA, which is why I mentioned that money is not the deciding factor in my case.

I see, I missed that part and only saw the last part of the summary.

In that case, I would say to go where you think you'd be happier. I don't know anything about matching optho, but med school, like undergrad, is what you make of it. If you have the option between these two great schools, you will likely have a promising option in the future wherever you end up.

If structured research time makes you less stressed about getting research and you care about research, probably go Case. I will say I heard that case was transitioning their mandatory research time to the M1-M2 summer, so not sure if that changes you perception.

If the idea of PBL and open ended exams makes you uneasy since it is uncharted territory for you, choose UVA.
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I will say I heard that case was transitioning their mandatory research time to the M1-M2 summer
Yes, 12 weeks of the 16 week research requirement will take place during summer between MS1 and MS2 year. Remaining 4 weeks will take place sometime during MS3 year. Case is also now allowing up to 8 weeks dedicated study for Step 2 (just in case Step 2 scores become hyper emphasized for residency apps in the future). There is also no AOA period.

Cannot speak to UVA, but Case matches well into ophthalmology year after year! This year they have 8 students matched into ophthalmology.
I am guessing you are a current pre-med accepted to CWRU? If you are comfortable sharing, are you heavily considering committing to CWRU at the moment?
Barring wild waitlist movement at some top schools, yes! I think what’s nice is that Case has been very proactive about making sure future students will still be successful in the new STEP 1 P/F landscape. If PDs place more emphasis on research, great you got started early during MS1-MS2 summer. If PDs place more emphasis on STEP 2 scores, great you have 8 weeks to prep for that.

The P/F atmosphere without rankings, no AOA, and end of block exams allows for lots of independent time for you to do the things you need to do and others that you want to do.
That's awesome! Do you mind if I PM you? I would appreciate a buddy who I could talk to to share some perspectives about school choice, but no worries at all if you feel uncomfortable!
Send it over! Always happy to chat 🙂