15 days away- NEED ADVICE

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New Member
Jun 4, 2024
Reaction score
Hi everyone, looking for some advice.

On my first attempt, I scored a 492. I did not want to take the exam but was scared of wasting money on the void, so I got it scored. I know this is really bad please don't lecture me, I've tortured myself so much about it.

I am testing on July 13th and planning to apply this cycle, to TMDSAS, AACOMAS, and AMCAS. I am scoring an average of 502 in my FLs, 125|125|126|127. My goal score is 506-507. With two weeks left, I am shaking and throwing up. I wake up in fear. What do you think I should do these last two weeks to improve my score? I don't want another bad one on my record, but I really want to apply. Also my family will not let me push it back.

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What lessons did you learn when you took the exam unprepared the first time? Are you going to learn from that mistake, or are you going to make the same mistake again and dig yourself an even deeper hole?

It is unlikely that you will jump 4-5 points higher than your FL average on the real thing in 2 weeks. It is a massive gamble and the odds are against you. Your family wants to force you to gamble your life, your dreams, your future? Why? If you get another sub-500, you will be the one who pays the price, not them. Maybe find one family member who you're close with, help them understand all of this and take your side, and then the both of you together can dismantle the frankly irresponsible pressure they're placing on you.

Sorry for being brutally honest but I want you to achieve your dream. Taking your life into your own hands is the first step.
Hi everyone, looking for some advice.

On my first attempt, I scored a 492. I did not want to take the exam but was scared of wasting money on the void, so I got it scored. I know this is really bad please don't lecture me, I've tortured myself so much about it.

I am testing on July 13th and planning to apply this cycle, to TMDSAS, AACOMAS, and AMCAS. I am scoring an average of 502 in my FLs, 125|125|126|127. My goal score is 506-507. With two weeks left, I am shaking and throwing up. I wake up in fear. What do you think I should do these last two weeks to improve my score? I don't want another bad one on my record, but I really want to apply. Also my family will not let me push it back.
have amino acids on lock, make sure that you know everything and anything on 86 KA P/S document and know SN1/SN2/E1/E2 rxns/physics formulas on BP.