2.91 GPA - Should I go to SGU or is SMP still a viable option?

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Aug 4, 2014
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I applied to a mix of DO/MD schools this past year but I've only gotten in at SGU. As the title states my overall GPA is 2.91, and that's including a 3.5 from 30 credits of DIY post-bac. The first time I took the MCAT I got 496, the second time 501. I'm sure I could improve that score at least a couple of points.

I think my ECs are decent. I've got 1.5 years of EMT, a semester of research experience, 75 hours of physician shadowing, a one week medical aid trip to Honduras, 12 hours of community service each semester for my fraternity, a couple of other part-time jobs, and I studied abroad in Australia at UQ for a semester. I know maybe not all of that is super related to medical school but at least it shows I was "doing stuff."

Should I just cut my losses and head to SGU this fall? I'd like to do EM, and its not impossible to match into that from there. I'm 25 now, so is there any SMP I could still get into at this point that would give me a good chance to start medical school next year if I do well? I know that'd be tricky since I'd have to apply before the grades are in, but I just can't imagine sitting out another two years. Are there any good linked programs I could get into? I applied to Drexel's Pathway to Medical School program, but I don't have the URM thing going for me so I don't feel too confident about getting in there. I also did not enjoy doing research so any SMP that emphasizes that would be even more of a burden.

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If you can raise your GPA to 3.0+ and an MCAT of around 505, you'll make yourself a good candidate for some of the newer DO schools, which is something I would suggest rather than going to SGU since Caribbean schools are quite pricey and although matching into EM isn't impossible, matching in general as a Caribbean student is fairly difficult. As of now, I believe most SMPs would have filled up since application deadlines range from March to May (although I'm sure there might be some still open, you just have to find them). With that in mind, I'd suggest you maybe do another semester/year of a DIY-post-bac and begin volunteering opportunities that focus on serving the underserved or those in need.
If you can raise your GPA to 3.0+ and an MCAT of around 505, you'll make yourself a good candidate for some of the newer DO schools
I actually was above 3.0 with the DO grade replacement, so I'm not pleased that they suddenly decided to scrap it. I should also probably mention that there's still 6 schools I haven't heard back from, but at this stage with how late it is I've pretty much given up.
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I'd suggest you maybe do another semester/year of a DIY-post-bac
I kind of feel that at this point if I'm going to take more classes, there'd be more to gain from a SMP versus more undergrad classes. Plus most of schools around me don't have extensive offerings in terms of science classes, and I've already taken most of them.

Did you have any interviews or wait list this past cycle? Where did you apply for DO schools?
I did not get any interviews. I applied to LECOM, MWU, PCOM, NYITCOM, ATSU, and a few others.
How high is your science gpa ?
Its 2.7, but with DO grade replacement it was 3.0 also. I've got a significant amount of credits completed so even a bunch of As would only move my stats up a little bit at this point. That's why I think that a SMP would make me look better, since the classes have more rigor. I've done some browsing and I'm thinking about applying to Temple (probably a longshot I know) and Rosalind Franklin.
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Its 2.7, but with DO grade replacement it was 3.0 also. I've got a significant amount of credits completed so even a bunch of As would only move my stats up a little bit at this point. That's why I think that a SMP would make me look better, since the classes have more rigor. I've done some browsing and I'm thinking about applying to Temple (probably a longshot I know) and Rosalind Franklin.

Sub-3.0 and a 501 MCAT, I would feel is a long shot for US MD programs. Do what Rufflev said, try to get your GPA above 3.0 and raise your MCAT a bit, you could have a shot at a DO school if you apply to a lot of them. Get your app in ASAP to the SMPs you're considering.

There's no shame in trying one more time for a US med school, your chance at SGU will always be there.
You need to raise your sGPA to 3.0 to have a realistic chance for DO schools. Calculate the number of science courses you need to take with an A or A- in order to reach 3.0. Then apply to at least 20 schools and include all the newer ones. There will be more opening every year.