2010 Application Mailed Out

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okay I am bumping this thread so please share with us if your app is sent out.

My status:

Verified: 07/02/09
status: Not mailed

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Verified: 7/1
Hopefully being mailed out this next Monday.... I hope they're not being limited to 1000 again.
yea I hear ya. At least lets hope we're one of them. btw how accurate is this 1000 applicants per batch that everybody keeps mentioning?
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e-submitted: 6/27
verified: 6/29
status: Not Mailed

is there a certain day they mail out their next batch?
I'm verified, but havent been mailed out yet - If I added a school designation now, would it delay app the being mailed out?
While I hope everyone's application gets mailed out in the next mailing, I sure hope they don't do the same thing and just randomly pick the next 1000 or so to mail out. With so many new people getting their apps verified this week, I'd be mighty pissed if those of us who were verified mid June somehow got bumped out of the mailing again.

Let's just hope they get it on track and mail all of those that are verified next mailing =)
did anyone call AADSAS to see when they would send out the application? I submitted mine on June 10th and He said it will be out this fri...:scared::scared: i really don't understand this at alll
i submitted on june 10th as well. not sent out either. aadsas as always :thumbdown:
I just called AADSAS - they said it could be sent anytime this week. They're so clueless....idiots. Their is no excuse for not sending the apps electronically at the LEAST during the last mailing.

If they don't send out my app this week, someones gonna get a hurt real bad.
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Allright so its Monday and still no sign of anybody's app being mailed out. How frustrating.
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i did not get in last year b/c i applied really late. This year I e-sub my app june 4th and verified on june 24th!, still is not mailed! i hope the schools will put the apps in order they were submitted to aadas when they start the reviewing process!
e-submitted 6/12/09
transcripts in 6/19/2009 and 6/25/2009
verified 6/26/2009

still not mailed :(
e-submitted 6/12/09
transcripts in 6/19/2009 and 6/25/2009
verified 6/26/2009

still not mailed :(

daaamn..one more person like us..i really wanna know based on what factors they sent out the first round applications
How can AADSAS not be sure when the next mailing is..? I totally thought it would be today. =(
sigh. i give up trying to be angry.

i wonder when we'll get ours sent in?
the early bird gets the worm.......not according to aadsas. Life isn't fair just keep your head up guys and hopefully our applications will get sent out in the next batch.:)
submitted 6/11
verified 6/16

not sent :(

But God is good :p
Quick Question

My application was just verified (TODAY!) but I still am working to complete the LOR. Will they still send out if I don't have my LOR done?
It's probably frustrating that AADSAS sends out applications in random order. My app has been sent out on the 29th but only 1 school out of 13 I applied to sent me an email stating the app has been received. Others probably received the app too but put it aside. I think schools won't start the review process for a couple of weeks. I know for sure UOP starts reviewing apps only in August (the letter I got from them stated that).

You shouldn't stress that much, although I agree aadsas should use different ways when determining who gets sent out.
i e-submitted june 5th, it was verified june 15th....and mine has not been sent.

i emailed them today, but it sounds like i shouldn't expect much in the way of customer service....
i submitted on 5th, verified on 12th and mailed out on 29th...

but what's happening is really puzzling me because i think it's unfair to many...is it possible by some stupid mind process that the first batch was selected alphabetically? it's not lottery where they just select randomly...
i submitted on 5th, verified on 12th and mailed out on 29th...

but what's happening is really puzzling me because i think it's unfair to many...is it possible by some stupid mind process that the first batch was selected alphabetically? it's not lottery where they just select randomly...

Did anyone with a last name beginning with "z" get their app sent in? :D
i was verified on 6/15 but wasn't mailed in the first batch-just talked to AADSAS...they said that since there were so many applications that needed to be sent out in the first mailing they had to cut it, but that I would be sent out in the 2nd mailing. It seems like they would have done it by date of verification...doesn't seem very fair but I guess that's how it goes sometimes.
grrrrr im getting the run around...i called them back and told them that i apparently hadnt made the 2nd batch either as it was sent out today...and they said you will be in the next batch. whos to say?! that's so frustrating
e-submitted: 6/2/09
Verified: 6/16/09

Mailed: 7/7/09
E-submitted: 6/18
Verified: 6/23
Mailed out: 7/7
My application still hasn't been mailed. :(

I submitted it in 6-4 and it was verified on 6-19. What's the point of submitting early if AADSAS just randomly mails the applications with no regard for when they were submitted? This is extremely depressing and aggravating.
verified 6/29

STILL NOT MAILED OUT. I'm absolutely fuming right now. SOOO angry..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Update: I called AADSAS - They said that todays mailing was the second half of the first mailing, and that my app will be sent out in the "second" mailing which should be next week.

Their is no logic or reason behind what they are doing. So mad...
Are you kidding me?? Still not mailed. F#$@ AADSAS. I've been verified for almost a month and didn't make either of the first 2 mailings??
Call them and tell them how u feel. They need to know this is not cool at all.
my status is blank now what hah
Call them and tell them how u feel. They need to know this is not cool at all.

Oh I just called and gave them a piece of my mind. I was transferred to a manager named Jared, who is a jackass, and he told me that no one verified after me would be mailed out before me. I called him on it and he just stuttered a little and said that it takes 4 to 8 weeks and I just had to be patient. It must be nice having a monopoly on dental school apps and not having to have any customer service at all.
Oh I just called and gave them a piece of my mind. I was transferred to a manager named Jared, who is a jackass, and he told me that no one verified after me would be mailed out before me. I called him on it and he just stuttered a little and said that it takes 4 to 8 weeks and I just had to be patient. It must be nice having a monopoly on dental school apps and not having to have any customer service at all.

Well Jared is full of **** because their are people on this site that were verified AFTER me, and their apps have been sent out. So now AADSAS is LYING - I think someone in the ADEA or ADA should hear about this.

Oh I just called and gave them a piece of my mind. I was transferred to a manager named Jared, who is a jackass, and he told me that no one verified after me would be mailed out before me. I called him on it and he just stuttered a little and said that it takes 4 to 8 weeks and I just had to be patient. It must be nice having a monopoly on dental school apps and not having to have any customer service at all.

i feel you. i really don't understand the logic behinde this. I rushed into it and didn't get send out on the first mailing. well, try to call them again
Well Jared is full of **** because their are people on this site that were verified AFTER me, and their apps have been sent out.


That's what I told him. I just wrote a nice long email to them too, I feel much better now.
F*#$ nothing yet..I submitted mine June 19th, verified 24th..nothing nothing yet