2016-2017 Dental School Waitlist

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7+ Year Member
Dec 7, 2014
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Now that first round acceptances, rejections, and waitlist have gone out I think a thread keeping track of solely of waitlisted results will be useful.

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Haven't heard a peep from Iowa or UIC. While some have gotten waitlist for both. All pre-dec interviews.
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Haven't heard a peep from Iowa or UIC. While some have gotten waitlist for both. All pre-dec interviews.

people have gotten waitlisted at Iowa? i didn't see any anyone report they got waitlisted at that school yet. but same, i haven't heard a peep from iowa yet.
people have gotten waitlisted at Iowa? i didn't see any anyone report they got waitlisted at that school yet. but same, i haven't heard a peep from iowa yet.
I feel like I read someone got waitlisted in the acceptance forum main, not school specific
how would you know when you get waitlisted to a school? does it show up on the dental application website??
how would you know when you get waitlisted to a school? does it show up on the dental application website??

They notify you through email and eventually your status changes to waitlisted online.
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Reactions: 1 user
wait listed at:
University of Kentucky - Dec 1st
Tufts - Dec 1st
Nova - Dec 2nd