Anyone know when we get results, and where to check (physcian portfolio?)? The abfm website mentioned Sep 18, but based off old threads they got it within a week. Also, how did people think of the difficulty?
Anyone know when we get results, and where to check (physcian portfolio?)? The abfm website mentioned Sep 18, but based off old threads they got it within a week. Also, how did people think of the difficulty?
Took mine July 21st.
Never got an email notifying that my results are in. Just got anxious and started searching everywhere which lead me to the preliminary exam results tab in physician portfolio, which said results are pending review.
It specifically says it's for the "Spring 2020 Family Medicine Certification Examination". And not 'Summer', which the date was changed to after COVID happened.
My question: is the preliminary result I'm seeing real? Or is it still referring to the APRIL examination that was postponed to JULY and the website just hasn't corrected itself yet? I hope that makes sense..
Was just wondering what sources you guys are using to study for the board exams?
Wondering same thing.Anyone know what the mean score is for 2020 (thus far)?
If it is not published yet, can anyone comment on when this may be published?
Was just wondering what sources you guys are using to study for the board exams?
Anyone get the fall 2020 ABFM certification exam results yet? Took my exam on 11/9
Took mine 11/9 as well. Nothing yet. My friend took her exam in August and got her prelim pass 3 days later. I'm thinking possibly today. In previous years the emails came out sometime in the afternoon.
I got a pending review as a preliminary result today. My exam day was 11/9, so I think I have to wait until late December.