3.29 gpa

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Jul 13, 2008
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is 3.29 overall GPA too low for DO schools or dental schools?

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If you have a strong enough MCAT score, your GPA isn't too low for some DO schools.

SDN's Pre-Dental Forum can better answer your second question.

hello my college doesnt offer majors in scieneces. or a premed programe.so they asked me to to take phycisian assistant programe. to cover requirements to take mcat.i want to get in medical school. so is it good if i go this way.like taking liberal arts and sciences. and doing the above mentioned programe.or i should take a transfer,and go in a premed school. i want to know who will be preffered for medical colleges, a premed . or guy like me. a physicican assistant programe student.and which will be easy.to score up, since i have a 3.75 gpa and i dont want to spoil it. getting in tougher programe...and the second thing is does college reputation really matter more than ur gpa.for residencies and med school admission
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hello my college doesnt offer majors in scieneces. or a premed programe.so they asked me to to take phycisian assistant programe. to cover requirements to take mcat.i want to get in medical school. so is it good if i go this way.like taking liberal arts and sciences. and doing the above mentioned programe.or i should take a transfer,and go in a premed school. i want to know who will be preffered for medical colleges, a premed . or guy like me. a physicican assistant programe student.and which will be easy.to score up, since i have a 3.75 gpa and i dont want to spoil it. getting in tougher programe...and the second thing is does college reputation really matter more than ur gpa.for residencies and med school admission
1. Please don't hijack someone else's thread.
2. The moderators frown on duplicate posts, so don't do that anymore.
3. Learn to edit after you type so that a reader has a chance of figuring out what you mean to say.
4. Use the Search function to see if your question has already been asked and answered before posting.
5. If you are a high school student, ask your question in hSDN by creating a new thread. If you are a college student at this time, ask your question on your own thread in the appropriate forum. This forum is for applicants to medical school wanting to know their chances. General questions belong in the Pre-Med Allo or Osteo Forums. PA-related questions belong in that part of the forum.
If you have a strong enough MCAT score, your GPA isn't too low for some DO schools.

SDN's Pre-Dental Forum can better answer your second question.

how strong are you talking about?
how strong are you talking about?
Consider that the average stats for those entering DO schools are 3.48/26.09. With your 3.29, I'd have said to aim for a compensatory MCAT score of 28+. BestDoctorEver is correct though, that you'd have a good chance of getting in somewhere with a 27 if the rest of your application (ECs, LORs, PS, interview skills) are all good.