MD 3.87 cGPA, 3.83 sGPA. MCAT 25 ==> 511

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Feb 7, 2015
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Hi everyone,

White male/Texas resident

3.87 cGPA, 3.83 sGPA

Jan 2015 MCAT- 25 (8/6/11)
Jan 2016 MCAT-511 (128/124/130/129)


Scribe and clinical volunteering (500+ hours)-still doing this

Lead facilitator for Orgo 2 workshop:This is basically a class where students enroll in that want to do well in a certain class, in this case orgo 2. I basically was the teacher and had to prepare lectures and practice problems. Office hours and all that included.

non-clinical volunteering( 100 hours by application)- includes a couple of things

Research in an Alzheimer's Lab for 1 year: No poster or publications. I was given a project and I completed it.

Social(if this matters) : Active member of a fraternity

School List:

Everywhere in Texas, although I am really aiming for UTMB and UThouston.


Miami Leneord M. Miller

What does everyone think? I would appreciate all comments and advice!

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The Texas schools are where your best chances are. The OOS schools are unlikely except perhaps Tulane. You may have a chance at the newer MD schools such as:
Oakland Beaumont
Western Michigan
It would be a good idea to apply to at least 5 DO schools including the new one opening in Texas for 2017 (Incarnate).
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So few applicants leave TX that admissions deans have learned not to interview them unless they are likely to be eligible for recruitment $.
DO is my recommendation if you decide to apply OOS.
So are you saying that I should focus on applying to MD schools in TX, but if I apply OOS then I should apply to DO?
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So are you saying that I should focus on applying to MD schools in TX, but if I apply OOS then I should apply to DO?
Exactly. Even the new schools usually hire "old" admissions deans who are aware of the TX data.
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Exactly. Even the new schools usually hire "old" admissions deans who are aware of the TX data.
What do you think about my lackluster CARS score? There was a small improvement, but I still feel uncomfortable about it.