3rd Year LORs

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Sep 21, 2016
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So I was told that we should ask for LORs early on, especially if it's a specialty we're interested in. But there seems to be no place for us to have the doctors send them? I imagine it's like all of the other applications where it's a big no no to read your LORs, but it's also not realistic to ask a Dr to write you one and hold on to it for a year....so what are we supposed to be doing?

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You’ll get preliminary access to ERAS in a few months where they can all be uploaded.
So I was told that we should ask for LORs early on, especially if it's a specialty we're interested in. But there seems to be no place for us to have the doctors send them? I imagine it's like all of the other applications where it's a big no no to read your LORs, but it's also not realistic to ask a Dr to write you one and hold on to it for a year....so what are we supposed to be doing?
Definitely attending dependent but most people don't actually write them a year ahead of time. It's fine to go ahead and ask them and hopefully they'll make some notes about you, but in the spring you need to touch base with them and give them your CV and likely personal statement. That's when most people will actually write the letter.
Don’t worry, just get people to agree to write the letter and the rest will fall in line. This won’t be their first cycle with it, it will work out!
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