4 C's chances?

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5+ Year Member
Dec 21, 2017
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undergrad gpa: cgpa 3.5 sgpa 3.3 (C+'s in second semester gen chem, orgo lab (A in orgo tho), physics 1 (A in physics 2), and biochemistry)
MCAT: 512
Post Bacc: 30 hrs 4.0 in upper level science classes

I have a lot of volunteer hours at a community outreach clinic for the underserved in my community (300+). 200 hrs shadowing (primary care doc, ENT doc, ob/gyn, ED doc, pediatrician). Manager at my job, worked as a scribe for 1.5 yrs now. Graduated from honors college. 1.5 yrs of research, not published.

I have residency in TN ad KY, wondering if I have a shot at any MD schools or should I just apply DO since I have 4 C's? Thanks!

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Just my personal opinion... but 4 C's shouldn't completely destroy your shot at MD. Have you considered retaking any of the courses? Perhaps doing postbacc? Just a thought. Keep working hard towards what you want!
Just my personal opinion... but 4 C's shouldn't completely destroy your shot at MD. Have you considered retaking any of the courses? Perhaps doing postbacc? Just a thought. Keep working hard towards what you want!
I just finished 1 yr of post bacc work at a 4.0, maybe I should do another year?