490 milligrams of anesthesia

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Jan 31, 2010
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"The maximum recommended dosage for a long appointment is 490 milligrams, but Molldrem allegedly nearly doubled that while seeing Wilson in July 2020 — providing her with 960 milligrams."

As a double boarded anesthesiologist, I have literally no idea what the heck they are talking about.

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Gotta be lido??

Found another article online. You may be right

"Wilson’s records show that Molldrem said he administered eight tubes of dental anaesthetic known as carpules. But Goldstein found the first dose alone was eight carpules, and he administered 15 carpules throughout the visit."

Same article mentioned
"Wilson consulted Molldrem on July 7, 2020. She returned a week later for the procedures under IV sedation and local anaesthesia."

Could dentists administer IV sedation without someone with anesthetia or airway management training on standby? I don't know, possibly state specific.

So women with many bad teeth end ups with fewer bad teeth and sues her dentist.

Also, people with that many bad teeth (depending on their age) tend to be of poorer mental fortitude, would she tolerate more than one appointment to get them all fixed appropriately, so it it better to do it all at once since she’s already there.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if it was bupivicaine and he and the patient got lucky.
With epi, right? For safety, right?
With epi, yes. But "safety" is merely an ancillary benefit. The prime motivator of the epi is vasoconstriction to improve operative conditions and optics. Can't have more than a drop or two of blood loss.
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The maximum dosage of 500mg of (lidocaine presumably) is for a single dose. 7mg/kg with vasopressor. If the dosage is administered throughout a 4 hr appointment, there’s a grey area. One could assume 1/4 of the dose is metabolized/hr with normal hepatic function. I’m not saying that this dentist was aware of any of this, and if proper technique was being used including landmarking and aspiration.