492 on first practice test with no practice

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Mar 19, 2020
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I took a full-length, AAMC Practice exam and got a 492 on it. How bad is this? I was hoping to cross the 500 mark, but I didn't quite make it.
I have yet to start studying at all really due to other things going on and my exam date is September 10, 2022. My score breakdown is shown below, and yes, I flunked the psychology section - I had no idea what to do with that section. How do I approach studying from this score? Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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I took a full-length, AAMC Practice exam and got a 492 on it. How bad is this? I was hoping to cross the 500 mark, but I didn't quite make it.
I have yet to start studying at all really due to other things going on and my exam date is September 10, 2022. My score breakdown is shown below, and yes, I flunked the psychology section - I had no idea what to do with that section. How do I approach studying from this score? Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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It's practice. For a test you'll take in over 2 months.

At least you know you have a high ceiling, but you're in the right place to get some study advice.
CARS is one of the most difficult sections to improve, so I would be somewhat concerned about the cars score. Only real way to improve is to begin recognizing question stems
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Don’t waste any more AAMC full length exams. They are the best predictor of actual score and you should save them for the end of your studies.
How do I approach studying from this score? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Stop wasting AAMC practice tests. You can use 3rd party practice tests to gauge your practice, but absolutely only use AAMC tests when you’re done with content review and you’ve taken few other practice tests. AAMC is gold standard.
Maybe invest in Uworld for practice problems. Using them to help study and practice for psych/ soc (which was also my lowest) drastically helped me to improve. They have excellent explanations as to why answer choices are right and wrong and covered material that was not in the Kaplan books I used to study but was on my actual MCAT. 12/10 recommend! Ps. it's on the pricier side. Jack Westin also is good for practice
Not bad for first attempt.
But what matter is your RATE of improvement from here on.