9/10/2011 Official Club!!!

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Mar 30, 2011
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:):)We are the last of the fold. I wish everyone good luck. I am using SN2's method for three months on May 23rd allowing me two weeks for review. May the force be with you. Hope to meet some of you while we are in this together :):):):):):):)

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I'm a retake from 5/21 going to follow the EK 10 week plan, hopefully my 26P will become a 30 something. :D

Been studying since January for the 5/21 but studying resumes this coming Sunday for me!
I'm a retake from 5/21 going to follow the EK 10 week plan, hopefully my 26P will become a 30 something. :D

Been studying since January for the 5/21 but studying resumes this coming Sunday for me!

what did you use the first time through? If you haven't used TBR for Physics or Chem, I would highly recommend it. I really like TBR Chem, but the physics is just OK. I used TPR the first time through and I really thought they explained physics concepts really well. I have a chem background so I am touching up on gen chem issues right now and then I am going to try to finish TBR physics and probably invest in NOVA. I hear Nova is good practice for physics.
what did you use the first time through? If you haven't used TBR for Physics or Chem, I would highly recommend it. I really like TBR Chem, but the physics is just OK. I used TPR the first time through and I really thought they explained physics concepts really well. I have a chem background so I am touching up on gen chem issues right now and then I am going to try to finish TBR physics and probably invest in NOVA. I hear Nova is good practice for physics.

Kaplan + EK. The main problem was I wasn't studying the "right" way. Plus my last semester was extremely hectic so some of my review was not adequate.

This time I'm solely using EK, I really like the way the books are written and I feel that if I had started using them sooner last time (got them in April) I would have done a lot better.
Hey guys, another one here. I'm using a semi-abbreviated version of SN2ed's schedule, since I started a bit late. Hoping to manage two chapters a day until I catch up. So far, it's not too bad so I'm slowly getting there haha.

I also have EK to hopefully finally nail down everything. It's going to be a long, boring but hopefully rewarding summer!
are any of you guys working full time/part time? I am studying (about 1 chpt a day) and a lot of the material is coming back to me quickly since I have studied before but I have started a job and unfortunately I can't quit it.

Last time I took the MCAT, it was the schoolwork/part time job, which may have affected me. This time, its no schoolwork but a full-time job. I don't feel burnt out at all (because I really like my job), but I am hoping it stays that way and I continue to have energy towards the end of the schedule.

Also, when are you guys hoping to be "done" with content review and start FL? I am hoping to take atleast 5 TPR FL starting the first week of august, then start with all AAMC's. That way, I figure a month full of FL will help, and that way I will also have time to go review my mistakes and make 1-2 more, brief runs through content review, which I hear is good to do.
No work for me (until August)! I'm shadowing/volunteering until I go back to school.

I'm not entirely sure how much FL are going to help me this time through; since I took almost all of them my last round of studying. I believe I have two AAMC's left to buy (4&5) and I guess if I'm desperate I could by third-party.

But with the EK 10 week, I'm not actually done with content review until the first week of September. There are specific days inside it that it says to take a FL test.
Yep, I'm working 20ish hours a week. I usually work 40-45 during the summer, but I let the lab know ahead of time that I would need the extra days off to study for the MCAT. Days I work, I cover 1 TBR chapter + 1/3, 3 EK 101 verbal passages and review some of EK as I see fit since TBR goes into a bit of unnecessary detail. I also skim over TBR notes/chapters days I do the 2nd 1/3 and eventually the 3rd 1/3 to keep the content fresh.

In terms of FL, I'm going to follow SN2ed's plan - that is, when I get to where he says in terms of his schedule content-wise is when I'm going to start taking FLs. So for example, when I finish the equivalent of day 63 is when I'm going to start FLs.

Since my schedule is going to be abbreviated, I may have to start earlier than that or condense some more manageable days together. Counting altogether, the FLs take up 33 days (including break days), so I think the wisest choice may be to just count back from Sep 10 33 days and begin FLs there and change your content review pace as you see fit to finish.

I'm planning to take all of the FLs hopefully - practice, practice, practice! I'm also gonna be gone for a week during August for LeaderShape if anyone has ever heard of that. So I might start FLs the week before that, take the week for LS and do FLs & the rest of the TBR passages to polish everything off.
Yeah I'm actually trying to be through by content review by the 1st week of August. It's taking about 2-3 days per concept or chapter out the berkeley review to really master things. I'm also trying to have a month worth of FL before the exam on Sept. 10. This SN2 is too gruesome for a non-traditional student, however I'm using it as a backbone.
Yeah I'm actually trying to be through by content review by the 1st week of August. It's taking about 2-3 days per concept or chapter out the berkeley review to really master things. I'm also trying to have a month worth of FL before the exam on Sept. 10. This SN2 is too gruesome for a non-traditional student, however I'm using it as a backbone.

How are you doing with TBR? I'm finding everything to be alright so far, with the exception of the Bio - I'm getting slayed by the TBR passages so I don't really know what to think about that. SN2ed's thing says to read EK for review but use TBR passages, something I'm not totally sure about since TBR goes into so much more detail than EK. For example, in the corresponding sections for the first chapter of EK, I was scoring around 3 or 4 out of 7 on TBR passages. On the day I took the EK in-class exam, I missed 3 out of 23. Unfortunately, in doing TBR Bio I lose a lot of confidence switching over from EK's lack of detail to TBR's excess, so I'm kind of at a loss for Bio review in terms of how I'm doing.

Anyone else feel the same way?
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How are you doing with TBR? I'm finding everything to be alright so far, with the exception of the Bio - I'm getting slayed by the TBR passages so I don't really know what to think about that. SN2ed's thing says to read EK for review but use TBR passages, something I'm not totally sure about since TBR goes into so much more detail than EK. For example, in the corresponding sections for the first chapter of EK, I was scoring around 3 or 4 out of 7 on TBR passages. On the day I took the EK in-class exam, I missed 3 out of 23. Unfortunately, in doing TBR Bio I lose a lot of confidence switching over from EK's lack of detail to TBR's excess, so I'm kind of at a loss for Bio review in terms of how I'm doing.

Anyone else feel the same way?

I agree COMPLETELY. I felt the same exact way, and thought the same exact thing. I think it is just because of the detail. I would read the TPR hyperlearning for a more detailed approach. I would read EK, but TPR for chapters on cardio, resp, digestion, and female reproduction, basically the physiology stuff. It seems like those things are in more detail on the newer MCAT, and having taken the exam myself I feel that I need to improve on these areas with a more detailed approach.

I completely agree with you though. I read what someone posted though in the 30+ forum, and he said the same thing, but he said that all that practice on such hard passages is what helped him get a 12 in bio, even though he wasn't completely sure with all of the answers. I think thats the thing with TBR...the passages are hard an detailed, which is more indicative of the newer MCATs.
EK for Bio is insufficient to me. I am basically using TPR as well as actual textbooks per concept. It's basically review for me, but I need a more detailed review then EK. I don't trust EK for anything except the 1001 questions which helps drill concepts over and over again. The TBR for Bio is way too detailed. For instance in the cellular respiration section, I felt that it listed too many details for glycosis, krebs, etc. I agree though, the passages for TBR are very good. So therefore I'm doing content review with textbooks and TPR, followed by passages to the corresponding topics. I also use EK for the 30 minute exams but that's about it.
EK can leave a little bit to the imagination in its review material. If I feel that way I just use Khan Academy, Wikipedia or the Kaplan books I have (although they are so dry) to supplement EK.
I have been doing poorly on the TBR passages as well (especially physics and gen chem). The bio is waaay too detailed so I am using TPR and doing TBR passages. I am super behind though and I need to finish the second chapter of TBR books to get back on schedule.
Well, glad I'm not the only one who feels that way about TBR, haha. Don't get me wrong, I love the passages because they're difficult - it gives me practice with unfamiliar situations where I don't know everything that's going on and I'm faced with a ton of information I need to learn and apply, all within 6-7 minutes.

I hate it, but I love it!
Taking my MCAT on 9/10/11 in Minnesota.

Studying using S2Ned method. Like some of you I am also having trouble with TBR passages. What is your general strategy? Do you read the science passages first prior to answering the questions or do you answer the questions without reading the passages?
I am just about done with the part 1 books of TBR for gen Chem, Physics, and Ochem.

I havent studied any bio yet because its not very difficult for me, having just taken microbiology and biochem metabolism.

My TBR passages are on and off. I can get 7 out 7 on half and get 4 or 3 out of 7 on the other half.

I learn whatever i miss pretty good but it is proving to be a confidence killer lol.

BTW im loosely following SN2Ed, with the exception of TBR Bio passages.
Yea same here, I'm through with Part I of everything. I'm doing 3 passages of verbal a day and now I plan on.doing full length verbal tests on saturdays. I have lost hope with Sn2's method. It's not enough hours in a day for me.
How are you guys coming along with content review, halfway? close to finishing?

Just about halfway on content review. Haven't taken any FL's yet. I have been working with EK's 10 week plan while using all the EK's and using TBR's physics and chem to really reinforce my weaknesses. This is my first and hopefully last time take this exam. The anxiety is killing me!
Finished TBR OC Book 1, GC Book 1, Chapter 4 in EK, and Chapter 4 in TBR Physics - so for most intents/purposes, I'm about halfway there haha. It feels like the time has absolutely flown by, does anyone else feel the same way?
Finished TBR OC Book 1, GC Book 1, Chapter 4 in EK, and Chapter 4 in TBR Physics - so for most intents/purposes, I'm about halfway there haha. It feels like the time has absolutely flown by, does anyone else feel the same way?

Haha I feel the same way. I have to do two chapters/per subject just to catch up next week. OH boy :laugh:

We can do it though!
I'll be taking this test as well.

I'm using TBR books, TPR books, and the EK 1001 series + the EK 101 passages, and then the TPR/AAMC FL (although, I'll probably only end up working through the AAMC FLs)

Good luck, all! We can do this.
Also, I'm not doing any in-depth content review. But this is also because I am a double-major in Molecular Bio and Chemistry.

I'm just working on the passages. If there is something I really don't remember or I need to refresh the concepts (ahem, electricity and magnetism) then I'll skim over the content review.
Im through with part 1 for the all the TBRs, I hope i can finish all my content by August. Also, what are you guys getting on the TBR passages, even though Im halfway through I still find myself scoring between 60-65% on the gen chem and physics passages.. Just wondering if any of you guys are experiencing the same thing.
Im through with part 1 for the all the TBRs, I hope i can finish all my content by August. Also, what are you guys getting on the TBR passages, even though Im halfway through I still find myself scoring between 60-65% on the gen chem and physics passages.. Just wondering if any of you guys are experiencing the same thing.

My TBR passage range from -1 to -4:eek: I just wish I can get some consistency
Im through with part 1 for the all the TBRs, I hope i can finish all my content by August. Also, what are you guys getting on the TBR passages, even though Im halfway through I still find myself scoring between 60-65% on the gen chem and physics passages.. Just wondering if any of you guys are experiencing the same thing.

i've got little more or less the same scores for gchem, physics, and orgo

bio's a whole other story...
So far I've done TBR Bio 1 and Chem 1. I thought gen chem would be my biggest enemy but I'm scoring well with that. Bio however, I'm all over the place. 3 passages I'll get every question right then 2 passages I'm getting like 4/6 wrong. I'm afraid of physics so I'm just holding that off till I have more time to devote per day.
I am in TBR class right now. we were told that if you get around 4/7 per passage you will end up with 11's. Don't get too down those scores but try to learn from your mistakes. focus on how they achieved the answer and try to build intuition for solving questions quickly
I am in TBR class right now. we were told that if you get around 4/7 per passage you will end up with 11's. Don't get too down those scores but try to learn from your mistakes. focus on how they achieved the answer and try to build intuition for solving questions quickly

wow I hope thats true! I was getting a little discouraged there but feel a little better after reading this, still it does make you feel a little crappy seeing scores like that lol
lol but i hope that it doesn't give you false sense of security. you should try to get better every time. just because you use tbr it will not guarantee you a great score.
shhh dont tell them that. We need to give them a false sense of security so that our scores get slightly inflated.

I heard if you use TBR, you are guaranteed at least a 40. You never hear about it though because you gotta sign the nondisclosure agreement.

I hope everyones having a fun time studying!
lol but i hope that it doesn't give you false sense of security. you should try to get better every time. just because you use tbr it will not guarantee you a great score.

of course not, as a matter of fact its making me work even harder to do better on the passages, and with this supposed "new" mcat nothing is a guarantee!

shhh dont tell them that. We need to give them a false sense of security so that our scores get slightly inflated.

I heard if you use TBR, you are guaranteed at least a 40. You never hear about it though because you gotta sign the nondisclosure agreement.

I hope everyones having a fun time studying!

:laugh: good luck with that, too bad there are many more people taking the mcat that are not using tbr materials so even if your scores do get inflated it will be negligible!

nothing like spending a beautiful summer day indoors studying for a test more than a month away lol, oh well we all new what we had to sacrifice when we signed up for the September mcat
So far I've done TBR Bio 1 and Chem 1. I thought gen chem would be my biggest enemy but I'm scoring well with that. Bio however, I'm all over the place. 3 passages I'll get every question right then 2 passages I'm getting like 4/6 wrong. I'm afraid of physics so I'm just holding that off till I have more time to devote per day.


Bio's my worst enemy TBR-wise, they just have so much detail to some of their questions. But I'm getting there :)

Physics is also kind of hit or miss, but a lot of the time I find physical intuition will help you out in some conceptual questions (just imagine yourself in the situation, what would make sense to you, etc). Orgo and Chemistry I'm absolutely destroying each time I take the passages, so I'm very happy about that. I did alright in Orgo in school but I love reviewing it now since all of it is so fresh - fingers crossed for an Orgo-heavy section in September!

Just did 4 TBR Bio passages plus the EK review per SN2ed's schedule - off to play some tennis to let my mind settle.

kb1204, what do you think of the classes? Given the books usually get good feedback, I'm curious if their classes are bomb also.

Just remember: 63 days left - still TONS of a time! Hope everyone's hanging in there!

Bio's my worst enemy TBR-wise, they just have so much detail to some of their questions. But I'm getting there :)

Physics is also kind of hit or miss, but a lot of the time I find physical intuition will help you out in some conceptual questions (just imagine yourself in the situation, what would make sense to you, etc). Orgo and Chemistry I'm absolutely destroying each time I take the passages, so I'm very happy about that. I did alright in Orgo in school but I love reviewing it now since all of it is so fresh - fingers crossed for an Orgo-heavy section in September!

Just did 4 TBR Bio passages plus the EK review per SN2ed's schedule - off to play some tennis to let my mind settle.

kb1204, what do you think of the classes? Given the books usually get good feedback, I'm curious if their classes are bomb also.

Just remember: 63 days left - still TONS of a time! Hope everyone's hanging in there!

Classes are going good. We get extra passages in class and 2 extra cbts. I hope it pays off
I am in TBR class right now. we were told that if you get around 4/7 per passage you will end up with 11's. Don't get too down those scores but try to learn from your mistakes. focus on how they achieved the answer and try to build intuition for solving questions quickly

Where did you hear that? I'm in the class as well and they said that their goal was to get you to only 2 wrong per passage, but since the BR isn't too much harder than the real thing, it still translates to about a 10 or so if you miss 2 per passage.
Where did you hear that? I'm in the class as well and they said that their goal was to get you to only 2 wrong per passage, but since the BR isn't too much harder than the real thing, it still translates to about a 10 or so if you miss 2 per passage.

i am in irvine class. i think todd told us that in the beginning?.

In class, they want us to go read over chapters for topics that we are not sure about. I also think phases are little different in class because we get in class passages that are not in books.
I've been studying TPR Hyperlearning since 5/22 - made myself a 15 week study schedule - 1 chapter a week til 7/31, then all of Aug for TPR practice questions and passages, and then 9/1-9/8 for practice exams - ALTHOUGH I have a feeling I will finish the entire passages book from TPR in 18-22 days, not 30. I think a well deserved 2-3 day break after studying daily for the past 3 months is in order right before the exam.

GOOD LUCK everyone!
i'm also taking it on this date, can't wait to be done with it. i'm doing kaplan, hope that goes okay for me. i've been in israel for about a week now, and i've been studying, but i was in rome for 4 days before so i couldn't study then. gonna hopefully study a lot now every day until the test. good luck to everyone.
have you guys started on FLs yet? Took 1st Fl today. TBR CBT #1, and got 30 (9PS 10VR 11BS). I am half way through content review and pretty satisfied with the score. hopefully I can improve to mid 30s by test day.
i'm taking it on the 10th too! glad i checked this forum out because i was starting to worry that maybe i was behind in content review but right now i'm on schedule to finish last week of july and that seems to be on track with what everyone else is doing. then i'm going to do the FL's and try and hammer in the topics i'm weaker on. i'm doing kaplan but i also got the TBR set for some more in depth review as needed and for the passages.

I took the 7/16 MCAT... I found the site in June and it helped me immeasurably. Its all free too. Honestly, check it out. Look at a Physics or Chem lecture that you have trouble with... watch it and take notes. You'll feel much comfortable with it.