Acceptances and Deposits

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10+ Year Member
Apr 21, 2010
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I'm not sure how this deposit thing works. Lets say you get accepted to a school and they give you 2 weeks to make a deposit ($1500!!!).

- When you put down that deposit are you legally bound to attend?
- Will they know if you interview at other schools?
- Can you put down multiple deposits?
- If other schools know about your acceptances will that affect their decisions?
- Am I out $1500 if I want to go to another school after putting down a deposit at a different campus?

When is the ultimate deadline for when you have to decide on one school and lose your deposits elsewhere.

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I'm not sure how this deposit thing works. Lets say you get accepted to a school and they give you 2 weeks to make a deposit ($1500!!!).

- When you put down that deposit are you legally bound to attend?
- Will they know if you interview at other schools?
- Can you put down multiple deposits?
- If other schools know about your acceptances will that affect their decisions?
- Am I out $1500 if I want to go to another school after putting down a deposit at a different campus?

When is the ultimate deadline for when you have to decide on one school and lose your deposits elsewhere.

You aren't legally bound to go to the school where you gave your 1,500 deposit to. All that happens is, if you decide to go another school, your 1,500 deposit from the first school will be non-refundable and you won't ever see it again.

If they could make you sign some kind of contract making you legally bound to go to their school...they really wouldn't need the 1,500 deposit this year now would they because they will be eventually getting around 120,000 from you (your tuition).
I'm not sure how this deposit thing works. Lets say you get accepted to a school and they give you 2 weeks to make a deposit ($1500!!!).

- When you put down that deposit are you legally bound to attend?
- Will they know if you interview at other schools?
- Can you put down multiple deposits?
- If other schools know about your acceptances will that affect their decisions?
- Am I out $1500 if I want to go to another school after putting down a deposit at a different campus?

When is the ultimate deadline for when you have to decide on one school and lose your deposits elsewhere.
did you accepted to a school already dude?
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Yeah. I got into University of Hopeful Dreaming last night around 1am.

But seriously no I haven't. Haven't even done any interview yet cause I'm so late in the cycle.
haha if your late, then im late too... dont worry, we'll be fine. at least we have one interview waiting for us!
You are not legally committed to attend that school. As the person above said, you will be out $1500 if you were to decide to attend another school. People were withdrawing up to the start of our orientation week, which is at the end of June. MSU starts a little earlier than other programs. Also, you can hold multiple acceptances. Just means you will be spending a lot of money, and be out that money upon picking the school you will attend. M.D. schools tend to have a cheaper deposit vs D.O. schools. I just put my deposit down on the first school I got accepted to, and if there was a school that was my top choice, I placed my deposit down on that program, withdrawing from the first school. That way you are not wasting money that you will need for other fees you will need to pay for prior to matriculation.