Acute Care Inservice Ideas

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7+ Year Member
Sep 12, 2014
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I know early mobility is a good topic, but I've already done a brief blurb about that, so if any of you know another topic, that would be helpful. I'm mainly in the ICU during this rotation if that helps. Thanks!

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I know early mobility is a good topic, but I've already done a brief blurb about that, so if any of you know another topic, that would be helpful. I'm mainly in the ICU during this rotation if that helps. Thanks!
I did my inservice on the effects of early mobilization on post intensive care syndrome. Super relevant if you're mainly working in the ICU!
I did my inservice on the effects of early mobilization on post intensive care syndrome. Super relevant if you're mainly working in the ICU!
I like the idea of PICS, maybe I'll do that as well as include pertinent outcome measures to predict discharge planning.
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I am doing my clinical at an LTAC facility and just did my inservice over Mirror Therapy and Neuroplasticity!
If your interest lie in behavioral changes and motivating patients to make healthy changes, I would recommend doing an inservice on Motivational Interviewing.
You can teach nurses and other stuff proper body mechanics when moving patients.