Adding AP and CLEP courses to AACOMAS

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7+ Year Member
Apr 15, 2016
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Does anyone know which semester to add AP credit? I know most add in the first semester but on my transcript my AP credit is listed Spring 2013 but I didn't technically start school until Fall 2013. My college is listed as attended from Aug 2013-Dec 2016. I took one CLEP test also and it's listed as Spring 2016 because that's when I took the exam.

Also, I technically was a sophomore by credit hours in my second semester because I came in with a lot of AP credit and I also graduated a semester early. Do I still list my first year in undergrad (Fall 2013 and Spring 2014) as freshman for both semesters or make Spring 2014 sophomore?

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Hey I had this same question and went and asked my advisor who has gone through this with a lot of students. He said to put it all in your first freshman semester, even if the Clep/ap stuff was taken later. I'm hoping he is right cause that is what I did haha