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7+ Year Member
Feb 11, 2015
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As far as I know, ADEA only specified the Extracurricular / Volunteer / Community Service section to be post-college.

Can I put work experiences I had or scholarships I received prior to entering college?

Thanks in advance for replies.

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No, only college and beyond. (or after highschool if you took time off)
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As far as I know, ADEA only specified the Extracurricular / Volunteer / Community Service section to be post-college.
I read that too when I applied and I actually put down the jobs I had prior to college because it didn't say I was not allowed to do so. Did these help my application whatsoever? Probably not.
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Not fair to the non-traditional students.
What's not fair about it? Just don't list anything from when you were younger than 18. If you're a non-traditional student you can list anything after high school, it doesn't specifically need to be when you were in college.
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