Adelphi/NYU 7 yr Vs Temple 7yr

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Apr 12, 2017
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Hi! I got accepted into the Adelphi/NYU 7 year dental program as well as the Temple/Kornberg 7 year dental program. Aside from the cost (which isn't what I'm basing my decision off of) I was looking for input on either of these programs. I know NYU has a bigger name but is that something that matters when applying for jobs/ pursuing a specialty? Any advice/input is welcome and greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!

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Hi! I got accepted into the Adelphi/NYU 7 year dental program as well as the Temple/Kornberg 7 year dental program. Aside from the cost (which isn't what I'm basing my decision off of) I was looking for input on either of these programs. I know NYU has a bigger name but is that something that matters when applying for jobs/ pursuing a specialty? Any advice/input is welcome and greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!
Nope, temple. Even if you wanna specialize it would be easier to do it out of Temple (besides OMS, but by the time you apply that would prob change).
I've heard amazing things about Temple Dental. NYU has been much more controversial...some people swear by it and say its a terrific program, others have some pretty horrifying things to say about it.