admission to UK post graduate medicine nontraditional applicant

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10+ Year Member
Jul 2, 2009
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Hi everyone,
I would greatly appreciate your advice on my situation and desire to apply to medical schools (either in the UK or USA)

I am a citizen of an EU country; did an undergraduate degree in biochemistry (4 years) in the USA with a GPA 3.8/4.00 (I don't know how this corresponds to the UK grading system) and applied for a research master program in a top UK school (1 year). After completing the master program, I really would like to apply to a post graduate medicine course somewhere in the UK or come back to the states and apply here. Considering my nontraditional background, would I be eligible in the UK as I don't know how flexible their system is in accepting older students changing careers.
To give a little background on the master program, it is in translational research (aimed at training physicians and basic scientists in clinical research and clinical trial design).

As a foreigner, I would have a great difficulty applying to med schools in the states and that is why I am also looking at UK schools. I would appreciate any advice from international students who have gone through this path.

Thanks! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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I would suggest that you look under the threads under international medical schools further down the list. That will be more specific to your inquiries about UK medical schools and requirements.

Since you do have EU citizenship, I think you would do better overseas than here.

Good luck :luck::luck::luck::luck: