Advice: 492 on AAMC FL 1 - MCAT in 3 weeks

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Apr 27, 2019
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Thanks in advance to any responses!

My MCAT is scheduled for May 24 and I just took AAMC FL 1 today and scored a 492 (122, 121, 125, 124). I am extremely disappointed and desperately need advice. There are some gaps in my content review which may help my score as I continue studying but I do not want to score below a 500 on the real exam.

Do I reschedule for June or consider applying next cycle? I had my heart set on applying this cycle so I’d really like to make this work but I am also trying to be realistic.

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I would definitely reschedule, if you're applying DO then you can take it in July and still be ok!
CARS takes the longest to improve on and so I would strongly suggest you reschedule.

Thank you for your advice. I took a Princeton Review FL last month and got a 498 (123, 126, 124, 125) with CARS being my best score. Is it possible I just really sucked today? I know AAMC’s FLs are supposed to be accurate in predicting my score on the real exam. When would you suggest I attempt another FL?
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I would suggest more active practice and possibly going over the Khan Academy MCAT videos for cells and biomolecules, and psych and soc.

Have you tried UWorld? It raised my score on all sections in about a month or two of steady practice. I knew I had gaps in content knowledge, but I learned through doing the problems. PM me for more info if you're interested.
The DO cycle is much longer, having your app complete in August is still considered early.

Would you recommend that I still submit the primary app with one school so that I’m verified? Now I’m worried that’ll be a waste of money if I can’t score well.
Hey OP,

The only mistake you could make right now would be rushing an MCAT and getting a bad score. Don't worry about being early or when your app will be verified. You need to just focus on taking the MCAT when you will be most ready to succeed on it.

Assuming you feel ready for the MCAT in July, you could take it then, get your score back in August, and then apply DO and be fine.

I would wait to apply for now. Just focus on the MCAT. This is a huge hurdle and it may take you more time than you initially realized to be ready for it. Don't hamstring yourself trying to stick to an arbitrary timeline.

Good luck!
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The only reason to take this exam is if you can't reschedule it. Then, the only good thing about taking that test would be to practice i.e. DO NOT SCORE THIS EXAM IF YOU END UP TAKING IT.

Your content review is severely lacking. Your test taking skills need improvement. One of those things can make it hard to break 500. Having both problems makes it impossible.
Thanks in advance to any responses!

My MCAT is scheduled for May 24 and I just took AAMC FL 1 today and scored a 492 (122, 121, 125, 124). I am extremely disappointed and desperately need advice. There are some gaps in my content review which may help my score as I continue studying but I do not want to score below a 500 on the real exam.

Do I reschedule for June or consider applying next cycle? I had my heart set on applying this cycle so I’d really like to make this work but I am also trying to be realistic.
Do NOT take the MCAT until you are 100% ready.

As the DO cycle is longer, you have until Sept/Oct.
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The only reason to take this exam is if you can't reschedule it. Then, the only good thing about taking that test would be to practice i.e. DO NOT SCORE THIS EXAM IF YOU END UP TAKING IT.

Your content review is severely lacking. Your test taking skills need improvement. One of those things can make it hard to break 500. Having both problems makes it impossible.

After taking the time to review this exam I realized there are a lot of topics I need to review in physics/chemistry and I need more practice in CARS. Thank you for your honest feedback! I will continue studying and likely push it back or take to void.
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The only reason to take this exam is if you can't reschedule it. Then, the only good thing about taking that test would be to practice i.e. DO NOT SCORE THIS EXAM IF YOU END UP TAKING IT.

Your content review is severely lacking. Your test taking skills need improvement. One of those things can make it hard to break 500. Having both problems makes it impossible.
I have to strongly disagree. The MCAT is a high stakes, career deciding exam. You do NOT take if you can't do your best and certainly NOT when your diagnostics are signalling a < 500 score.

What you are suggesting is the "sunk cost" fallacy. One can always not show up. The lost fee is not worth a bad score. And on top of this, the exam is also a test of one's judgement.
I have to strongly disagree. The MCAT is a high stakes, career deciding exam. You do NOT take if you can't do your best and certainly NOT when your diagnostics are signalling a < 500 score.

What you are suggesting is the "sunk cost" fallacy. One can always not show up. The lost fee is not worth a bad score. And on top of this, the exam is also a test of one's judgement.

So you believe that it is a bad idea to take the exam for practice and void it? Right now I'm thinking about rescheduling to a later date anyway.
I have to strongly disagree. The MCAT is a high stakes, career deciding exam. You do NOT take if you can't do your best and certainly NOT when your diagnostics are signalling a < 500 score.

What you are suggesting is the "sunk cost" fallacy. One can always not show up. The lost fee is not worth a bad score. And on top of this, the exam is also a test of one's judgement.
Sorry Goro, but I think you need to re-read my post
Given the distribution on your score, were you not as awake during the first 2 sections? slow-warming up might be a problem for you to target later on.

CARS is so unpredictable, especially on 3rd party FLs. Use the Qpack/AAMC tests as more accurate predictors.
Sorry Goro, but I think you need to re-read my post
I concur with the latter point in your post, Shammy, but the big problem with taking and then voiding is that people either don't have the discipline to void, or they think they did OK, fail to void, and end up doing poorly.

Hence, just too much much risk involved, unless one has nerves of steel.
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Given the distribution on your score, were you not as awake during the first 2 sections? slow-warming up might be a problem for you to target later on.

CARS is so unpredictable, especially on 3rd party FLs. Use the Qpack/AAMC tests as more accurate predictors.

It’s possible. I had trouble sleeping the night before but still got up at 8am and took it. C/P has been my lower section on practice tests but I’ve never scored that low on CARS.