Advice: dropping summer class

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Jun 2, 2011
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I just finished my first year at an Ivy League school with not-so-stellar grades. I took three classes in sciences/maths this past year, resulting in a B- in orgo, a B in physics, and an A in calculus and a total gpa of about 3.45. My dream is to get into a top 10 med school, but that looks pretty dim right now.

I had an illness throughout the year, resulting in a hospitalization near the end of the spring term. I thought everything would still work out as long as I do nearly perfectly for the rest of college, and I do think I have the capability of doing very well now that my illness is under control.

So, this summer, I decided to do lots of volunteering and enroll myself in two upper level bio classes at a local university. In one class, I'm on track to get an A. However, for the other, I forgot to do an assignment the night it was due because I mistakenly thought it was due a week later (a mistake I'll regret for a while, I'm sure). The assignment was 9% of my grade, meaning that the highest grade I could get now is a B+, but they don't report pluses or minuses, so it will be reported as a B. Long story short, I can still drop the class and get a withdrawn without it affecting my already on-the-brink GPA. Do you think (irrespective of the sunk cost of money) it is a good idea to withdraw? What are the cons? Thank you all.

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Yeah go drop that class if the highest you can attain is a B.
This may seem like a dumb question but did you tell the professor what happened and maybe ask him if you can make it up? Maybe he'll let you hand it in late but give you a max grade of 80 or something like that. Still better than a zero and will maybe put you in the A-/A range
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Yes, I told her what happened. Unfortunately, she made it clear that I would get 0 points. Considering the assignment would have been an easy 100% (I have done the previous one), to say that I'm upset at myself is an understatement. Regardless, I know I will do much better next year, it just sucks that I let this continue my string of not great grades.
Yes, I told her what happened. Unfortunately, she made it clear that I would get 0 points. Considering the assignment would have been an easy 100% (I have done the previous one), to say that I'm upset at myself is an understatement. Regardless, I know I will do much better next year, it just sucks that I let this continue my string of not great grades.

jeez, you'd think the professor would have some sympathy