MD & DO Advice needed: Living alone vs with roommates first year?

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Mar 28, 2013
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Hi I’d love your advice on living situations for first year. I have two options and I’m really struggling to decide between them. I found a beautiful house shared with 4 other med students (all M3s) looking for another roommate. Rent is about $600 but id have to share a bathroom. It’s walking distance to campus. My other option is to get an apartment by myself for about $1,300 that is 8-10 minutes drive from campus. I’m a non traditional student and lived on my own for the past 5 years but I’d love to make friends with people more my age (pretty much M3s), although I have no idea if these people are all that friendly as I’ve never met them before. What would you do in this situation?

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Live alone.

The MS3s will likely be too busy to hangout with you and they'll have their clique already, then they'll be gone for aways shortly after. Also 600$ with 5 roomates sounds like you're getting worked. Also, sharing a bathroom is almost a deal breaker alone. People are disgusting. You'll make plenty of friends in MS1 and you'll want your own space to decompress.
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I would share. It less than halves your rent cost and no drive to campus!
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Live alone.

The MS3s will likely be too busy to hangout with you and they'll have their clique already, then they'll be gone for aways shortly after. Also 600$ with 5 roomates sounds like you're getting worked. Also, sharing a bathroom is almost a deal breaker alone. People are disgusting. You'll make plenty of friends in MS1 and you'll want your own space to decompress.

This is kind of where I’m at. I lived with 4 girls in undergrad and shared a bathroom, the whole thing was a nightmare with drama and messiness. Lived alone for 5 years after graduation and literally would’ve never moved out if I had the option. Could decorate and clean how I wanted, have people/guys over, and didn’t have to think about anyone but myself.

I also appreciate your perspectives about the M3s and the possibility that I’m getting worked over on price. Thanks!
I would share. It less than halves your rent cost and no drive to campus!

I know! So much potential savings. It’s so hard to weigh against peace and solitude. I’m thinking of doing it for a year and then finding my own place.
I know! So much potential savings. It’s so hard to weigh against peace and solitude. I’m thinking of doing it for a year and then finding my own place.
Why don't you keep on looking for another place? How about a 1 bedroom within walking distance from school? Now THAT's worth it. If you go to school where it snows a lot in the winter it will definitely be convenient to not have to worry about driving to school in the snow
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Share. Spend any extra money on travel, nights out. I loved my roommates, both non-medical and med students. Of course, I grew up poor, unlike most med students, so the thought of wasting money is crazy to me.
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You can tell from the array of responses that it’s a personal decision.
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For me, live alone 100%. I get cranky and blue when I don't have complete privacy and alone-time. Of course if I was in NYC I'd have to compromise, but if you can afford to live alone I'd recommend that. You'll make M1 friends regardless I think! And like others have said sharing a bathroom is horrendous, especially if you've gotten used to your own space.
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If you're extroverted, then live with others
if you're introverted, live by yourself

Personally I would think seriously about needing to share a bathroom, but I'm also an introvert.
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Living alone is absolutely 100% not a waste of money for some people.

I am one of those people :)
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My school strangled us with the cost of attendance so I would’ve rather had minor living inconveniences than stress about money
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1) You cannot expect the M3s to be your friends. They have their own friends will be gone most of the day anyway.

2) You're going to have a different schedule than M3s. Their exam days will be different than yours, so be prepared for parties while you're studying.

3) Keep in mind you'll likely have to move after this year if you live with them. Depending on the program, M4 students may be de facto "done" as early as October and literally done as early as mid-February. Think of the end of senior year of high school, or of undergrad - do you want to be living with a group of "seniors" while you're studying for step 1? Also, many M4s move out early and just come back for commencement. You may have to deal with everyone bailing on the lease in March or April.

4) You're sharing a kitchen, I assume you're sharing a bathroom with one-two other people (not all 4), and if there's any drama in the house, it's everyone's drama.

I'm obviously biased but would choose living alone in a heartbeat. Or, try to find a roommate in your own class. Seriously, the age difference isn't a big deal. No one will care. There will be people in your class who are much older than you. You're going to be hanging out with your own class anyway.
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1) You cannot expect the M3s to be your friends. They have their own friends will be gone most of the day anyway.

2) You're going to have a different schedule than M3s. Their exam days will be different than yours, so be prepared for parties while you're studying.

3) Keep in mind you'll likely have to move after this year if you live with them. Depending on the program, M4 students may be de facto "done" as early as October and literally done as early as mid-February. Think of the end of senior year of high school, or of undergrad - do you want to be living with a group of "seniors" while you're studying for step 1? Also, many M4s move out early and just come back for commencement. You may have to deal with everyone bailing on the lease in March or April.

4) You're sharing a kitchen, I assume you're sharing a bathroom with one-two other people (not all 4), and if there's any drama in the house, it's everyone's drama.

I'm obviously biased but would choose living alone in a heartbeat. Or, try to find a roommate in your own class. Seriously, the age difference isn't a big deal. No one will care. There will be people in your class who are much older than you. You're going to be hanging out with your own class anyway.

I second same class. But I’d strongly consider having a roommate
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Hi I’d love your advice on living situations for first year. I have two options and I’m really struggling to decide between them. I found a beautiful house shared with 4 other med students (all M3s) looking for another roommate. Rent is about $600 but id have to share a bathroom. It’s walking distance to campus. My other option is to get an apartment by myself for about $1,300 that is 8-10 minutes drive from campus. I’m a non traditional student and lived on my own for the past 5 years but I’d love to make friends with people more my age (pretty much M3s), although I have no idea if these people are all that friendly as I’ve never met them before. What would you do in this situation?

Share the apartment. Save money and avoid isolation. They might be good sources of advice.
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Hi I’d love your advice on living situations for first year. I have two options and I’m really struggling to decide between them. I found a beautiful house shared with 4 other med students (all M3s) looking for another roommate. Rent is about $600 but id have to share a bathroom. It’s walking distance to campus. My other option is to get an apartment by myself for about $1,300 that is 8-10 minutes drive from campus. I’m a non traditional student and lived on my own for the past 5 years but I’d love to make friends with people more my age (pretty much M3s), although I have no idea if these people are all that friendly as I’ve never met them before. What would you do in this situation?
I'd highly recommend living alone.
Like you said you have no idea what these people are like. Med school is stressful, you don't want roommate issues on top of that. And...the unfortunate truth is, people in medical school can still be immature/petty/competitive-not everyone, but it is hard to know ahead of time. There are many people I know in medical school who will go around boasting and bragging about their grades endlessly, consider if you would be okay with your roommate(s) being this way.
IMO the living alone option is best at least in M1 until you get to know people more
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You can live alone and still have friends! Avoid roommate drama! You don't get a gold medal at the end of med school for dealing with roommate drama!

I'm also a non-traditional student with a 3 years gap. I will be living by myself. I have no doubt that I will make friends with people in my class. Your younger classmates will admire your experience and overall confidence about life. If you have older classmates, they might be less available if they have families, but you'll still have time to study with them.

Of course, there's a trade-off. You will have a larger loan balance at the end of the day.

But you have to decide for yourself if it's worth it.

I made my decision -- 1 bedroom/1 bathroom apartment for me! Kitchen is clean when I want it to be clean. Bathroom is clean when I want it to be. I get to decide who comes into my space and who does, when music is played, how loud the music is played. Heck, I can just be completely naked and free in my own living space without worrying about offending/arousing anyone! :shifty:
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Hi I’d love your advice on living situations for first year. I have two options and I’m really struggling to decide between them. I found a beautiful house shared with 4 other med students (all M3s) looking for another roommate. Rent is about $600 but id have to share a bathroom. It’s walking distance to campus. My other option is to get an apartment by myself for about $1,300 that is 8-10 minutes drive from campus. I’m a non traditional student and lived on my own for the past 5 years but I’d love to make friends with people more my age (pretty much M3s), although I have no idea if these people are all that friendly as I’ve never met them before. What would you do in this situation?
MS3's are pretty much busy all the time with their rotations, so probably will stay pretty quiet at you place. Nice to have them around once in a while for advice, and who knows, you may become good friends. So I would rec roommates