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Jul 17, 2017
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Hello everyone, so right now I am in a dilemma and I am really confused about what would be the best approach to my issue. Right now I am a senior in college and I have a 3.2 GPA, due to the fact that I became extremely sick my junior year, which was a very sad time for me but it happens I am ready to move on and get back on track, very thankful that i am a lot better now but I ended up getting two D's, one of which I am retaking the other I am not because it was with another degree major of mine. I could possibly bring up that GPA to at least a 3.4 by graduation. i still have about 4 more required classes to take orgo 1 and 2, biochem 1 and 2, i may also take bio 1 and 2, becuase i did not take gen bio rather i took a&p 1 and 2. i have a lot of volunter hours when i graduate I should have about 450 hours. After graduation, I do not want to take a break i want to improve my application and futher my education. I really do not know if it would be better to get my MPH, because i do want a better understanding of medical policy and how to implement healthcare into the community in the US and in other countries, or do a post bacc, or take the classes I need classes while getting my masters. All my ideas are jumbled but I am really in need of helpful advice. Thanks so much in advance!!

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An MPH will not compensate for a low GPA. Grad schools are known for inflation. Look into a post bac. You’re not completely doomed but you need to start doing better. What’s your science GPA?
Hello everyone, so right now I am in a dilemma and I am really confused about what would be the best approach to my issue. Right now I am a senior in college and I have a 3.2 GPA, due to the fact that I became extremely sick my junior year, which was a very sad time for me but it happens I am ready to move on and get back on track, very thankful that i am a lot better now but I ended up getting two D's, one of which I am retaking the other I am not because it was with another degree major of mine. I could possibly bring up that GPA to at least a 3.4 by graduation. i still have about 4 more required classes to take orgo 1 and 2, biochem 1 and 2, i may also take bio 1 and 2, becuase i did not take gen bio rather i took a&p 1 and 2. i have a lot of volunter hours when i graduate I should have about 450 hours. After graduation, I do not want to take a break i want to improve my application and futher my education. I really do not know if it would be better to get my MPH, because i do want a better understanding of medical policy and how to implement healthcare into the community in the US and in other countries, or do a post bacc, or take the classes I need classes while getting my masters. All my ideas are jumbled but I am really in need of helpful advice. Thanks so much in advance!!
Read this:
Goro's advice for pre-meds who need reinvention