Advice on anesthesia as a career option

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dr dr

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May 29, 2005
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Hello Everyone:

I must admit that by far this is the best professional forum I have encoutered. Thanx to all the gurus and experts to share their experience and providing valuable advice to some of us who are thinking about Anesthesia as a career option.

I am a 3rd year medical student and I got 225 on my step1......I was wondering someone could tell me if this is a good score to get into some competitive academic programs such Northwestern, University of Chicago or University of Illinois, or Cleaveland clinic etc to name a few. Is it gonna buy me advantage to take step 2 before I apply for residencies?? Any other factors someone can mention that will make my application even more competitive. Thanks for reading this post.

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dr dr said:
Hello Everyone:

I must admit that by far this is the best professional forum I have encoutered. Thanx to all the gurus and experts to share their experience and providing valuable advice to some of us who are thinking about Anesthesia as a career option.

I am a 3rd year medical student and I got 225 on my step1......I was wondering someone could tell me if this is a good score to get into some competitive academic programs such Northwestern, University of Chicago or University of Illinois, or Cleaveland clinic etc to name a few. Is it gonna buy me advantage to take step 2 before I apply for residencies?? Any other factors someone can mention that will make my application even more competitive. Thanks for reading this post.

You should be able to get interviews at all of the programs you have listed, especially if you also have good grades/class rank. You can hit a home run and be assured of getting into any program you want to get into if you were to nail Step 2 as well, but a 225 Step 1 will get you the interviews you want.

Good letters of rec are worth a few bricks of gold so make sure to get those lined up early. Some profs take months to actually complete a letter. Don't pick someone you aren't sure will write a good letter. I would recommend you focus on getting letters from people who will absolutely sing your praises, even if they are not in the field of anesthesiology.

Good luck.
Thanx UTsouthwestern for your encouranging reply. I highly appreciate it. I have one you suggest doing some research in Anesthesia during my 3rd/4th year would help.........I know 3rd year is very demanding........and how practical is to multiplex some research while doing my core rotation? Who do I approach to find out about research oppurtunity. Also, has anyone on this forum done some research at NIH? Thank You.
Research will help, but isn't a necessity. You can enhance your chances to get into a program that you like by doing research at that program, or just doing an away rotation there as a 4th year. Each program's program coordinator/secretary usually has that kind of information available for you.

Again, good luck.