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Aug 4, 2006
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are they telling us on the 15th of Jan?

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Got snail mail rejection today. Interviewed in mid-december.
Members don't see this ad :)
Has anyone else heard from AECOM?
Got snail mail rejection today. Interviewed in mid-december.

just a question - do you live near NY? i got nothing on this end, but the letter has to make it all the way to CA...
I just posted this info on another Einstein forum. I received an acceptance today by snail mail from AECOM that was actually dated January 15th. I live in NYC, btw. Good luck!!!

Thank you!! I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I really enjoyed it there. I also want to note that the letter was postmarked January 12th, so I'm sure all of your acceptances are on their way. I only live about 30 miles from AECOM, so it doesn't take too long for mail to reach me.

Good luck, again!!!
Thank you!! I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I really enjoyed it there. I also want to note that the letter was postmarked January 12th, so I'm sure all of your acceptances are on their way. I only live about 30 miles from AECOM, so it doesn't take too long for mail to reach me.

Good luck, again!!!

So MissyMD, is that where you think you'll be in the fall??
So MissyMD, is that where you think you'll be in the fall??

I would love to attend there next year. I'm still awaiting responses from a few schools before finalizing this decision. I wrote a LOI to Columbia a few weeks ago, so I'm bound to attend there if I'm fortunate enough to get in. I'm not banking on it though. So, as of now, I'll be at AECOM in the fall. I'm so excited!!! Can't wait to meet my future classmates!!
just a question - do you live near NY? i got nothing on this end, but the letter has to make it all the way to CA...

Yeah, I live in NYC
I'm sorry very stupid question....but did the acceptance come in a big packet? (just for me to know in advance the news)
for me, the good news came in a regular sized envelope that was not particularly thick
The envelope was quite thin, and contained a letter and a self-addressed return envelope.
The envelope was quite thin, and contained a letter and a self-addressed return envelope.

and, ironically, the rejection letter is in a large packet...


actually, it is just one page, so you might have trouble discerning its contents upon seeing the envelope.

congratulations to those who've been accepted, and good luck to those waiting. my post-interview rejection (interviewed in september) arrived on saturday, but i also live in nyc.
for those ppl who heard back from aecom, did any of you receive emails or were acceptances/rejections all received via snail mail? thanks! and congrats to those who got in!!
Does anyone know the closest subway stop to Einstein?
E180 St (2/5 line) or Westchester Square (6 line)

Any idea how far of a walk it is from the Einstein apartments? Just trying to get an idea incase I decide to go there.

...hopefully I get an acceptance too...