I was just taken off the waitlist at Einstein and am conflicted. 28 y/o M non-trad moving from SF to NYC. Background in software sales and real estate before making the switch.
Any and all input would be appreciated!
Summary: Feels like this boils down to reputation vs. lifestyle, but with many shades of gray on each side. Any insight from current students or applicants would be welcome.
Any and all input would be appreciated!
- -- Live off campus in a fun part of New York = better dating scene, more diversity of people to interact with, feels more like living in a city
- -- (Supposedly) Incredible clinical experience, a big priority for me
- Really like the education model with the Neuro and Clinical Educator pathways + Integrated Pathways Curriculum = more clinical focus (1.5 pre/2.5 clinical)
- Better interview day; really connected with my interviewer and liked the students I saw and met; really good vibes
- -- No savings on tuition as COL and OOS Tuition for first year make it same price as Einstein (~$320,000 when all is said and done)
- -- Comparable, albeit slightly worse match list compared to Einstein, esp. when it comes to West Coast matches (another big priority)
- Not getting a great vibe from admissions office in terms of accessibility and competence; seems like there isn't much investment in school's administrative staff (not a huge deal but not a great look either)
- Not much of a rep on the West Coast
- Older buildings, but Einstein ain't much better TBH...
- -- Great reputation within medical community = prestige, name recognition, slight edge in matches
- -- Possibly cheaper (I haven't accepted yet so no news on any Aid)
- -- Research oriented; not something that is a priority for me necessarily, but an area of medicine
- Excellent hospital system as well, although I am unsure how the clinical rep at Einstein stacks up to Downstate
- Campus vibe, which could also be a con. As an older non-trad I'm worried I might get bored stuck way out in campus island that is Einstein, although it seems like they do a good job of fostering a communal environment. The jury's out for me on this.
- -- Campus Island in the Bronx
- -- Higher Tuition, but unknowable at this point if that will change
- -- Older education model
- -- OK interview session, had a nice talk with my interviewer but we didn't connect and she prep before the interview
Summary: Feels like this boils down to reputation vs. lifestyle, but with many shades of gray on each side. Any insight from current students or applicants would be welcome.