Long time reader, first time poster. Hey now!
I'm also on the alternate list. So is the mailman and my baby's momma and quite a few other people according to SDN! I called the admissions office today(wed)-no movement. Apparently July and August are usually more active. Last year they didn't take anyone off until August, but I heard that they took about 5 or 10 (I've been told different numbers by different people in the admissions office).
Anyway, there are three posters on this thread claiming to be dropping their acceptance at albany. All of these posts have been made since the alternate list email went out-so, whats up guys? Did you change your minds? I'm not trying to be a jerk or pushy, b/c you'll be doing us a huge favor by making us that much closer to getting in! Just curious.
Best of luck to everyone obsessively alternating between their email accounts and SDN...I'm with you.