Albany UC --> waitlist

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has anyone heard from albany recently? last i heard, in the first week of june they take some portion of the under consideration list and turn that into their waitlist, rejecting everyone else. the office said that those who are moving on to the waitlist will get an email with more info and the rejections will be coming via snailmail.... any update on this? any emails rec'd?

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I called the office today and they said that they would send emails out this friday for the waitlist.
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Not yet. I heard the class is really full and that the May 15th deadline saw almost no one drop out. Also, there are 300 in the UC category which they cut down to I think 50?
i got an email at around 11 this morning saying im on the waitlist -- i just tried calling the office to find out any more info but i guess theyve been swamped - anyone here get through? does anyone know the chance of getting off of the waitlist? and was it seriously that few people taken from the UC list??
Ames980 said:
i got an email at around 11 this morning saying im on the waitlist -- i just tried calling the office to find out any more info but i guess theyve been swamped - anyone here get through? does anyone know the chance of getting off of the waitlist? and was it seriously that few people taken from the UC list??

I got the email too! At least I think so - it says to please fill out an online form if I "would like" to be on the alternate list. Is this the email you got?

From what I have heard/learned/read on SDN, chances at getting into Albany off the waitlist are hard to predict, as it varies greatly from year to year. To the best of my knowledge, last year they only took two or three off the list whereas the year before they almost went through the entire list before the class was full. Let's hope and pray for a lot of movement this year!
Yes I got that email and was selected for the alternate list. I submitted the form online but it doesn't seem to be updated on the site. I will probably call on Monday to confirm. I believe that last year only 7 people were selected off the list. I'm not sure how large this applicant pool is but I'm guessing less than 100 and probably around 50 people on the waitlist.
I got on the wait list today as well. Talked to the office - they can't give us our rank (even roughly) or how big the list is. The class is currently filled (i think that was in the email though). The admissions person said that they usually have an idea by July if the waitlist is going to be moving much or not.

If anyone gets in - post it so we know the list is moving.
Mathilda said:
I got on the wait list today as well. Talked to the office - they can't give us our rank (even roughly) or how big the list is. The class is currently filled (i think that was in the email though). The admissions person said that they usually have an idea by July if the waitlist is going to be moving much or not.

If anyone gets in - post it so we know the list is moving.

I heard that the director of admissions is new this year and that there is no way to base the predictions on last years movement.
Arb said:
I believe that last year only 7 people were selected off the list.

Last year they only took 2 people off the waitlist. The director of admissions told me this during the interview orientation.
Homer Doughnuts said:
Last year they only took 2 people off the waitlist. The director of admissions told me this during the interview orientation.

Didn't they also over-accept their class last year (i.e., offered more acceptances than they had positions for, assuming that many ppl would decline), or was that a different year that I am thinking about?

I don't know anymore. We can speculate all we want, but the fact remains that it's impossible to predict. We just have to wait and see how things pan out.

I hate the waiting. This is the only school I got an interview from. So far 4 people on this thread alone got the email. My guess is that it is still a pretty long waitlist.

Do you know anyone who was UC but got cut?

Let's hear about any acceptances!
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I'm probably going to be dropping my Albany acceptance in the next few days, so hopefully one you guys will get my spot.
HCA1500A said:
I'm probably going to be dropping my Albany acceptance in the next few days, so hopefully one you guys will get my spot.

Ditto. Good luck. 👍
Ames980 said:
i got an email at around 11 this morning saying im on the waitlist -- i just tried calling the office to find out any more info but i guess theyve been swamped - anyone here get through? does anyone know the chance of getting off of the waitlist? and was it seriously that few people taken from the UC list??

doh...i've been traveling abroad, but was able to check my e-mail once last week. now i'm back, no email from albany, no snail mail yet either. but so no email by now means i'm not on the waitlist huh? =(
bumping to let everyone know that I just got off a waitlsit and I'm withdrawing from Albany. Hope one of you guys gets in 👍
It's been a couple weeks since the official alternate list was finalized. Has anyone received an acceptance from AMC just yet?
On the AMC web site accepted students have access to profile lists that shows who is in the incoming class. So far 73 profiles have been submitted. Assuming that all 73 of those are definite and that Albany has 95 slots for traditional AMCAS applicants (as per their publications) that would mean there may be as many as 22 slots potentially available. I hope this helps, Good luck to all waitlisters !!
I am also on the alternate list. when i called them monday they said still no movement, keep an eye on email and to stay in touch. though they also say there is absolutely nothing you can do to change your place on the list, so not sure why it is impotant to stay in touch...

Ack, hope we all hear great news soon!
Long time reader, first time poster. Hey now!

I'm also on the alternate list. So is the mailman and my baby's momma and quite a few other people according to SDN! I called the admissions office today(wed)-no movement. Apparently July and August are usually more active. Last year they didn't take anyone off until August, but I heard that they took about 5 or 10 (I've been told different numbers by different people in the admissions office).

Anyway, there are three posters on this thread claiming to be dropping their acceptance at albany. All of these posts have been made since the alternate list email went out-so, whats up guys? Did you change your minds? I'm not trying to be a jerk or pushy, b/c you'll be doing us a huge favor by making us that much closer to getting in! Just curious.

Best of luck to everyone obsessively alternating between their email accounts and SDN...I'm with you.
J Feelgood said:
Long time reader, first time poster. Hey now!

I'm also on the alternate list. So is the mailman and my baby's momma and quite a few other people according to SDN! I called the admissions office today(wed)-no movement. Apparently July and August are usually more active. Last year they didn't take anyone off until August, but I heard that they took about 5 or 10 (I've been told different numbers by different people in the admissions office).

Anyway, there are three posters on this thread claiming to be dropping their acceptance at albany. All of these posts have been made since the alternate list email went out-so, whats up guys? Did you change your minds? I'm not trying to be a jerk or pushy, b/c you'll be doing us a huge favor by making us that much closer to getting in! Just curious.

Best of luck to everyone obsessively alternating between their email accounts and SDN...I'm with you.
I emailed Albany the same day that I posted here. They took a couple of days to get back to me, and then told me my email wasn't sufficient to withdraw and asked me to fax or mail them a withdrawal. I faxed it over right away and finally received an email officially withdrawing me today. So there is one seat (mine) unless they over-accepted the class. Sorry about the stress, guys, I hope the list starts moving soon.
Supercluster said:
I emailed Albany the same day that I posted here. They took a couple of days to get back to me, and then told me my email wasn't sufficient to withdraw and asked me to fax or mail them a withdrawal. I faxed it over right away and finally received an email officially withdrawing me today. So there is one seat (mine) unless they over-accepted the class. Sorry about the stress, guys, I hope the list starts moving soon.

You, my friend, are star stuff.
Hello everyone. I'm also on the waitlist at AMC after interviewing there in early May. I didn't get my application complete until December (I was waiting on a letter of recommendation) so I ended up interviewing with the last group.

Overall, I liked the people there and thought it seemed like a great school so I'm hoping I get in here.

To anyone who hears anything from AMC - be sure to let the rest of your fellow waitlist members know 🙂 .
J Feelgood said:
Anyway, there are three posters on this thread claiming to be dropping their acceptance at albany. All of these posts have been made since the alternate list email went out-so, whats up guys? Did you change your minds? I'm not trying to be a jerk or pushy, b/c you'll be doing us a huge favor by making us that much closer to getting in! Just curious.

I dropped NYMC and Kept AMC I just didn't update the SDN world, sorry.
Anyone talked to or heard from Albany lately?
I talked to them earlier in the week...until now, I've been asking them if there has been any waitlist movement. This time, based on the discussion on this thread, I asked them if they were overaccepted. They said they were, but in true Albany style they did not tell how many need to decline their invite before the alternate list is touched.
I imagine the class is changing every week, but as of right now they need to get back down to 91 before any declining students will lead to subsequent acceptances off the alternate list.
J Feelgood said:
I talked to them earlier in the week...until now, I've been asking them if there has been any waitlist movement. This time, based on the discussion on this thread, I asked them if they were overaccepted. They said they were, but in true Albany style they did not tell how many need to decline their invite before the alternate list is touched.
I imagine the class is changing every week, but as of right now they need to get back down to 91 before any declining students will lead to subsequent acceptances off the alternate list.

Yeah, I just called and talked to them. They said the class is full and they haven't taken anyone from the waitlist yet.
Just withdrew my acceptance. hope it helps.
lidguy said:
Just withdrew my acceptance. hope it helps.

Thanks! They must be getting close to the alternate list!
Did any of you who are on the AMC alternate list recently get something in the mail about sending in your shot records? I got a letter from Albany earlier in the week about how they have not yet touched the alternate list but to start getting your stuff together in case you get in. I wonder if they send this to everyone on the alternate list or just those in the upper region of the list. Did any one of you get the same letter?
Fusion said:
Did any of you who are on the AMC alternate list recently get something in the mail about sending in your shot records? I got a letter from Albany earlier in the week about how they have not yet touched the alternate list but to start getting your stuff together in case you get in. I wonder if they send this to everyone on the alternate list or just those in the upper region of the list. Did any one of you get the same letter?

Yeah, I got it a couple days ago. I think it states in the letter that everyone on the alternate list receives it.
Fusion said:
Did any of you who are on the AMC alternate list recently get something in the mail about sending in your shot records? I got a letter from Albany earlier in the week about how they have not yet touched the alternate list but to start getting your stuff together in case you get in. I wonder if they send this to everyone on the alternate list or just those in the upper region of the list. Did any one of you get the same letter?

I got it too. It is especially for situations like this that I wish they would tell you your position on the list. Guess a physical and immunization can't hurt,...well...

Did any of you guys finish AMCAS yet?...I submitted recently and I'm already getting secondaries, but I wonder if Albany will send one or not b/c I'm still a candidate for this year.

Good luck!
J Feelgood said:
I got it too. It is especially for situations like this that I wish they would tell you your position on the list. Guess a physical and immunization can't hurt,...well...

Did any of you guys finish AMCAS yet?...I submitted recently and I'm already getting secondaries, but I wonder if Albany will send one or not b/c I'm still a candidate for this year.

Good luck!

I asked Albany about this and they said that being on the alternate list in no way affects your 2006 application.

According to Albany, they have not started on the 2006 season yet.
bwells46 said:
I asked Albany about this and they said that being on the alternate list in no way affects your 2006 application.

According to Albany, they have not started on the 2006 season yet.

I am declining my acceptance -- gonna send in the letter ASAP. Hope the spot goes to one of you guys!
ygreenst said:
I am declining my acceptance -- gonna send in the letter ASAP. Hope the spot goes to one of you guys!

Thank you for keeping us updated!
ygreenst said:
I am declining my acceptance -- gonna send in the letter ASAP. Hope the spot goes to one of you guys!

Yes, thanks for good news! 👍

PS I saw "wedding crashers" this weekend and it was hilarious...great way to get your mind off of alternate lists for a few hours. Go see it!
I Just got into SLU, I will be dropping AMC on monday when I get my SLU accceptance letter in the mail.

I hope this helps someone out !!!!!

Good luck to all on the list
Homer Doughnuts said:
I Just got into SLU, I will be dropping AMC on monday when I get my SLU accceptance letter in the mail.

I hope this helps someone out !!!!!

Good luck to all on the list

Great news, Homer! Thanks for your quick withdrawal and thanks for thinking of us. Best of luck to you!
Homer Doughnuts said:
I Just got into SLU, I will be dropping AMC on monday when I get my SLU accceptance letter in the mail.

I hope this helps someone out !!!!!

Good luck to all on the list

Thanks for keeping us updated!

I wonder how many more spots declines Albany needs to get to the alternate list.
Do you guys think that Albany is waiting for a few more acceptees to withdraw before offering a bunch of acceptances all at once? Or do you think they will send out acceptance emails as positions become available? It seems that they are getting a fair number of withdrawals, and yet we have not heard of any movement on the alternate list. They must have over-accepted the class by a pretty sizable margin.
Fusion said:
Do you guys think that Albany is waiting for a few more acceptees to withdraw before offering a bunch of acceptances all at once? Or do you think they will send out acceptance emails as positions become available? It seems that they are getting a fair number of withdrawals, and yet we have not heard of any movement on the alternate list. They must have over-accepted the class by a pretty sizable margin.

I would assume they would send out acceptance emails as positions become available. It's starting to look like they will not accept anyone from the alternate list this year. 🙁
FWIW, I got into EVMS last week and will be withdrawing from the Albany alternate list. It's amazing that they haven't taken anyone yet, but last year they finally took a few off the list in August. Hang in there guys, there are still a good three weeks left to get accepted. Best of luck to everyone on the alternate list! :luck:
Has anyone tried to talk to the director of admissions lately? They said during the interview that the alternate listers could contact them late in the season and talk to the director of admissions (and gain a little more insight as to the likelihood of an acceptance). I am still waiting for her to get back to me and it has been over a week since I contacted her. +pissed+
J Feelgood said:
Has anyone tried to talk to the director of admissions lately? They said during the interview that the alternate listers could contact them late in the season and talk to the director of admissions (and gain a little more insight as to the likelihood of an acceptance). I am still waiting for her to get back to me and it has been over a week since I contacted her. +pissed+

I talked to Albany on Monday and they said that while they have not accepted anyone from the alternate list, they will be having a meeting about it sometime this week.
bwells46 said:
I talked to Albany on Monday and they said that while they have not accepted anyone from the alternate list, they will be having a meeting about it sometime this week.

They are so vague with me-it is ridiculous! Hopefully they'll be pulling a few people off this week then! I hope you get in, bwells46! 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 :luck: :luck: :luck: :clap: :clap:
Same to you! 👍

I'm just worried that if I do get in, I won't be able to accept the admission 🙁