Am I doomed?

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Long story short, I've been through many tosses and turns and due to some personal circumstances and the timing of my primary application submission, I've had to withdraw my application from multiple programs after submitting my primary and likely going to be a reapplicant next year. In the meantime, I'm going to prep the mcat again to improve my score (I only have a 505 currently), with hopes of reapplying next cycle to these same programs that I had to withdraw from and many many more (my school list was narrow this cycle).

How bad does this look for schools? Some of these programs are my IS schools, and I would hope not to be blacklisted due to this. Is there anything I can do?

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You asked for advice a month ago and most advisors recommended you wait until next year. You applied in October anyway.
Given that, why did you then withdraw from some schools?
By next year you must be calm and organized for a second cycle and submit in June.
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You asked for advice a month ago and most advisors recommended you wait until next year. You applied in October anyway.
Given that, why did you then withdraw from some schools?
By next year you must be calm and organized for a second cycle and submit in June.
Your right. I applied to a very narrow school list thinking I can still do it, and I would’ve let things play out and follow through but I had some really dire circumstances come up and I know for a fact that now my best foot isn’t gonna be put forward.

In the meantime, I’m gonna prep the MCAT and hope for a much better outcome. I’m just worried that the schools I submitted to may look at me differently now since I withdrew.
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Your right. I applied to a very narrow school list thinking I can still do it, and I would’ve let things play out and follow through but I had some really dire circumstances come up and I know for a fact that now my best foot isn’t gonna be put forward.

In the meantime, I’m gonna prep the MCAT and hope for a much better outcome. I’m just worried that the schools I submitted to may look at me differently now since I withdrew.
You are not doomed, merely unwise.
Please don’t put off your MCAT studying until next summer if you retake, or you will be in the same situation again.
You could apply with this score
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