Am I just dumb

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Mar 18, 2013
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I know the answer to my question. I am going to pretend not to know it.

Am I just stupid. I graduated already and I am a science teacher. I graduated with a Microbial Biology degree with a 3.0 GPA. My Science GPA is below 3.0. I struggled in every class I ever took. I just didn't and still don't know how to study. It would take me too long to read material and most of the time I would read it and I failed to comprehend any of it. I am scared to even study for the mcat because after 10 minutes of reading, I cease to understand anything further. I got a D in Biology Ecology, C in Physics, C in Genetics, C in Biochemistry, B+ in Physics 2, C+ in Biology Molecular, B- in Calc I, B in Calc 2, B+ in Microbiology, and Mostly B's in upper level advanced Microbial Biology courses. I got a B in both of the Organic Chemistries.

Today two former students from the school that I teach came to visit their teacher. They are chemistry majors and scored an A in Organic CHemistry. They find it all easy. These are two girls who can't even speak english well.

I just feel so stupid when I see people effortlessly getting such good grades and I worked my ass off (I think) and all I have to show for it is B's and C's.
I don't even think I want to attempt to take the MCAt and medicine. I just get really down whenever I see kids who are doing well. I wonder what is wrong with me and why I can't do as well as them.

I am 22. Graduated from the University of Michigan. Would I have gotten better grades if I went to an community college? Should I have gone to a community college or a easier university? Did I make a bad decision?

I only got into Michigan because I am poor and a first generation college student. 22 ACT 3.3 GPA in High School. In a Ghetto school at that. I couldn't even get a good GPA in a poor black school. What makes me think I am cut out for medicine.

What do I do?

I guess this is just me venting I'll read any and all responses.

Note: The girls I met are doing it at a Community College. But when I said, it is different where I took it, they looked at me and said, it should be the same. Is it really the same, or is it different? No way are all those tough science classes easy. I just don't believe it.

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I know the answer to my question. I am going to pretend not to know it.

Am I just stupid. I graduated already and I am a science teacher. I graduated with a Microbial Biology degree with a 3.0 GPA. My Science GPA is below 3.0. I struggled in every class I ever took. I just didn't and still don't know how to study. It would take me too long to read material and most of the time I would read it and I failed to comprehend any of it. I am scared to even study for the mcat because after 10 minutes of reading, I cease to understand anything further. I got a D in Biology Ecology, C in Physics, C in Genetics, C in Biochemistry, B+ in Physics 2, C+ in Biology Molecular, B- in Calc I, B in Calc 2, B+ in Microbiology, and Mostly B's in upper level advanced Microbial Biology courses. I got a B in both of the Organic Chemistries.

Your grades definitely could reflect the fact that you do not know how to study efficiently. Reading a ridiculous of material and understanding it well is such a huge part of your first 2 years of medical school. I would say go to U of M's academic studies office (or whatever they call it) and get help with strategies, but you've already graduated and are done with your classes.

Today two former students from the school that I teach came to visit their teacher. They are chemistry majors and scored an A in Organic CHemistry. They find it all easy. These are two girls who can't even speak english well.

This is a non-issue. You got Bs in orgo and that is a job well done. I got As in Orgo but you'd probably think I am straight dumb if you saw me try to solve a Physics problem.

I just feel so stupid when I see people effortlessly getting such good grades and I worked my ass off (I think) and all I have to show for it is B's and C's.
I don't even think I want to attempt to take the MCAt and medicine. I just get really down whenever I see kids who are doing well. I wonder what is wrong with me and why I can't do as well as them.

I hate that you feel that way about yourself, but only you can change that mentality. You need to stop comparing yourself to others and worry about yourself. In undergrad it sounds as if you were more concerned with everyone doing better than you than actually focusing on your own academic struggles and trying to fix them. Think more positively, worry about yourself and only yourself, dont worry about others, and figure out what can make you into a better student. There is always going to be someone better than you. Are you going to bug out when you are in medical school and you are in the bottom half of your class, for example?

I am 22. Graduated from the University of Michigan. Would I have gotten better grades if I went to an community college? Should I have gone to a community college or a easier university? Did I make a bad decision?

This is irrelevant. Focusing on what you could have done to make your pre-med curriculum easier is pointless. Focus on what you could have done to meet the challenge of a school that academically prepares students very well for medical school. I'm not putting down community college courses, but a community college was not your reality, U of M was.

I only got into Michigan because I am poor and a first generation college student. 22 ACT 3.3 GPA in High School. In a Ghetto school at that. I couldn't even get a good GPA in a poor black school. What makes me think I am cut out for medicine.

I'm hoping you are not black because that is super offensive.

What do I do?

Positivity, self-reflection, and motivation to do whatever you have to do to improve study habits and achieve your goal of becoming a physician. If you still want it, go for it. You just need to have more faith in yourself and not worry about others. I hope none of my responses came off as harsh and I do truly hope the best for you.

I guess this is just me venting I'll read any and all responses.

Note: The girls I met are doing it at a Community College. But when I said, it is different where I took it, they looked at me and said, it should be the same. Is it really the same, or is it different? No way are all those tough science classes easy. I just don't believe it.
I'm going to go ahead and say yes.
Just kidding. I think people are only as dumb as they make themselves. Just study harder. Read more books.
Some people are naturally smart, others need to work harder. I'm one of the people who need to work harder.
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I only got into Michigan because I am poor and a first generation college student. 22 ACT 3.3 GPA in High School. In a Ghetto school at that. I couldn't even get a good GPA in a poor black school. What makes me think I am cut out for medicine.

Now, I'm not trying to avoid your question but look at the bolded. Was the school literally black? Were the bricks that made up the campus black? If not then maybe you meant: You got a low GPA in a predominately African-American school that was located in the ghetto. Saying 'poor black school' makes you come off as a bigot to me.
You say you know the answer to your question, so why ask it?
Now, I'm not trying to avoid your question but look at the bolded. Was the school literally black? Were the bricks that made up the campus black? If not then maybe you meant: You got a low GPA in a predominately African-American school that was located in the ghetto. Saying 'poor black school' makes you come off as a bigot to me.

That's a little harsh. I go to school in Philly and know tons of people (especially AAs) that refer to their HS as "poor" and "black." It's not meant to be offensive, it's just the local vernacular.

That's beside the point. I think what the OP needs is to reevaluate the way he/she studies and learns. What classes did they do well in? How was the learning/teaching style in those classes? Maybe start with a basic "how do you learn" test.

The other part of it is that you have to simply get over the fact that other people put in minimal effort and elicit maximal results. There will always be someone smarter than you. The first step to self-improvement is to accept that fact and avoid getting hung up on it.
Now, I'm not trying to avoid your question but look at the bolded. Was the school literally black? Were the bricks that made up the campus black? If not then maybe you meant: You got a low GPA in a predominately African-American school that was located in the ghetto. Saying 'poor black school' makes you come off as a bigot to me.

Strongly disagree. I live in the south, and that's just how everyone talks here. It's not bigoted or racist; it's a black school, not a "school with predominately African-American students."

Trying too hard, imo.
That's a little harsh. I go to school in Philly and know tons of people (especially AAs) that refer to their HS as "poor" and "black." It's not meant to be offensive, it's just the local vernacular.

Understood. But then again, I wouldn't recommend saying something like that when a majority of the user aren't from Philly and that makes it comes off as pretty racist.
I only got into Michigan because I am poor and a first generation college student. 22 ACT 3.3 GPA in High School. In a Ghetto school at that. I couldn't even get a good GPA in a poor black school. What makes me think I am cut out for medicine.

You first need to learn how to communicate properly. I am not the PC police, but what you said above is very offensive. :eek: And I live in the South. :naughty:

As mentioned previously, you should really re-evaluate your study habits and techniques. If you want to pursue medicine, your grades should be a bit higher; thus, it would be to your benefit to enroll in a post-bacc program or masters or maybe even another bachelor's--something that will mitigate the damage done to your present GPA, along with volunteerism, commitment to service, and research interests (if any). Then you'll have to re-focus your attention to your pre-requisite coursework to prepare for the MCAT and find schools to apply to that fall within the range of your scores.
Strongly disagree. I live in the south, and that's just how everyone talks here. It's not bigoted or racist; it's a black school, not a "school with predominately African-American students."

Trying too hard, imo.

Sorry you feel that way about my opinion. I guess its just regional, because where I come from, calling a place a 'black school' would get you glares and some harsh words.
I am going to be the bad guy here and say that perhaps OP is not cut out for medical school. Not everyone is cut out. If the OP feels they put on an honest effort and found help to learn to study more effectively, maybe the OP is right. I must note that this doesn't make the OP a lesser person. For all I know the OP would be a brilliant pianist and a 4.0 HMS student would never be able to play a song. It happens.

OP - Have you looked at alternative careers like podiatry, ophthalmology, dentistry and such?
I am going to be the bad guy here and say that perhaps OP is not cut out for medical school. Not everyone is cut out. If the OP feels they put on an honest effort and found help to learn to study more effectively, maybe the OP is right. I must note that this doesn't make the OP a lesser person. For all I know the OP would be a brilliant pianist and a 4.0 HMS student would never be able to play a song. It happens.

OP - Have you looked at alternative careers like podiatry, ophthalmology, dentistry and such?

lolwut? :laugh:
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If those calc you took are "real" calc (same class that engineering major take) then you are not dumb. Disregard the D, ecology is pretty much just regurgitating stuffs anyway. u prolly have avg to slightly above avg intelligence.
OP, why if you did so poorly in your science classes, did you decide to become a science teacher?
Have you been tested for learning disabilities? It's not just 'dummies' who have them, and they could easily explain your academic struggles.

The great part is that once diagnosed, they can be treated. Imagine if you found out you were dyslexic and that a year's dedicated remediation could transform reading into a productive learning mechanism? Or if you had undiagnosed ADD or ADHD and appropriate medication made a significant difference?

I've seen a few miracles --
I know the answer to my question. I am going to pretend not to know it.

Am I just stupid. I graduated already and I am a science teacher. I graduated with a Microbial Biology degree with a 3.0 GPA. My Science GPA is below 3.0. I struggled in every class I ever took. I just didn't and still don't know how to study. It would take me too long to read material and most of the time I would read it and I failed to comprehend any of it. I am scared to even study for the mcat because after 10 minutes of reading, I cease to understand anything further. I got a D in Biology Ecology, C in Physics, C in Genetics, C in Biochemistry, B+ in Physics 2, C+ in Biology Molecular, B- in Calc I, B in Calc 2, B+ in Microbiology, and Mostly B's in upper level advanced Microbial Biology courses. I got a B in both of the Organic Chemistries.

Today two former students from the school that I teach came to visit their teacher. They are chemistry majors and scored an A in Organic CHemistry. They find it all easy. These are two girls who can't even speak english well.

I just feel so stupid when I see people effortlessly getting such good grades and I worked my ass off (I think) and all I have to show for it is B's and C's.
I don't even think I want to attempt to take the MCAt and medicine. I just get really down whenever I see kids who are doing well. I wonder what is wrong with me and why I can't do as well as them.

I am 22. Graduated from the University of Michigan. Would I have gotten better grades if I went to an community college? Should I have gone to a community college or a easier university? Did I make a bad decision?

I only got into Michigan because I am poor and a first generation college student. 22 ACT 3.3 GPA in High School. In a Ghetto school at that. I couldn't even get a good GPA in a poor black school. What makes me think I am cut out for medicine.

What do I do?

I guess this is just me venting I'll read any and all responses.

Note: The girls I met are doing it at a Community College. But when I said, it is different where I took it, they looked at me and said, it should be the same. Is it really the same, or is it different? No way are all those tough science classes easy. I just don't believe it.

I remember this same problem happening to me and it really comes down to learning style. You have not figured this out yet. There is basically no point in taking a SMP before getting this down. Try this test from the SDN article "Stress in Medical Education" here is the link:

This is a crude way of figuring out if you are a visual learner, auditory learner, or tactile learner (a.k.a kinesthetic learner). There are other tests that are good if you look online. Once you figure out that learning style, then you look up what study techniques work best for that style. Here is a site that give an example of each learning style:

This is just one of many changes you need to do. It is important to seek help and understand your weakness. You could see an academic advisor or learning specialist that will give you the resources. The rest is up to you.
Have you been tested for learning disabilities? It's not just 'dummies' who have them, and they could easily explain your academic struggles.

The great part is that once diagnosed, they can be treated. Imagine if you found out you were dyslexic and that a year's dedicated remediation could transform reading into a productive learning mechanism? Or if you had undiagnosed ADD or ADHD and appropriate medication made a significant difference?

I've seen a few miracles --

Yes this is important also because you never know if it is really a problem in processing the information itself. I also have a learning disability myself and understanding it has helped me tremendously. You can talk to a university psychologist about this in order to get diagnosed.
Try learning things differently. If after reading you can't remember but a single word off of a page, try underlining what seems important, then write it out, draw pictures. Come up with mnemonics. Also, watch animations, try teaching the material to someone else even if it means just reading off of your notes. Also, maybe you're an auditory learner, record yourself reciting the notes and listen to it while you're working out or doing household chores. Another idea, make up questions for yourself based on the material. There are numerous ways to get this information to sink in. I'm still learning myself what works best for me. I know that I'm a strong visual learner, so when I make power point slides after I've already read, underlined, and wrote out my notes, I then make slides and add pictures somewhat related that will trigger my mind. Sometimes it works, other times, all I remember is the picture. If only my mind could SEE the WORDS and not just the PICTURE.
Yes this is important also because you never know if it is really a problem in processing the information itself. I also have a learning disability myself and understanding it has helped me tremendously. You can talk to a university psychologist about this in order to get diagnosed.

Yup. Yup. If you feel like you were trying the best you possibly good and still did poorly I would get tested for learning disorders

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I remember this same problem happening to me and it really comes down to learning style. You have not figured this out yet. There is basically no point in taking a SMP before getting this down. Try this test from the SDN article "Stress in Medical Education" here is the link:

This is a crude way of figuring out if you are a visual learner, auditory learner, or tactile learner (a.k.a kinesthetic learner). There are other tests that are good if you look online. Once you figure out that learning style, then you look up what study techniques work best for that style. Here is a site that give an example of each learning style:

This is just one of many changes you need to do. It is important to seek help and understand your weakness. You could see an academic advisor or learning specialist that will give you the resources. The rest is up to you.

I agree with this, you need to figure out your learning style and take it from there. Also you might want to see a professional or something because if you read something and after 10min you don't understand anything, then it might indicate something else going on (just guessing here). I am the kind of person that says always try your best until the end, you don't want to give up at the first obstacle:luck:
so I will give a little pep talk! DONT LABEL YOU SELF DUMB/STUPID etc etc...
everyone has brains, some use it more then the others! and believe it or not its equal amount of brain. If a person gets a problem in 30 mins. and you take 2 hours, doesn't make you stupid, its makes you hard working and consistent! --pep talk over!
now about your grades and pursuing medicine, you can do it, you just have to work harder. repeat the classes.
do you work full time and study full time?
are you supporting a family?
and other life/work things stressing you out to a point you cant concentrate?
sit alone and think about your stressors and what was it you did in your undergrad that worked, and repeat that! you graduated in Micro biology with 3 GPA. you are certainly smarted then me :p
so chin up and smile : )
Now, I'm not trying to avoid your question but look at the bolded. Was the school literally black? Were the bricks that made up the campus black? If not then maybe you meant: You got a low GPA in a predominately African-American school that was located in the ghetto. Saying 'poor black school' makes you come off as a bigot to me.

Political correctness is on a level of unparalleled bigotry as you assume the worst about people because of some status of theirs and then try to cover it up or ignore it with pretty yet shallow words. I'm more "Welsh American" than most black people are "African American" because their families have been here longer, more likely than not.

Anyway, OP, I'm sorry that you have to struggle to succeed in most of your science courses. Do you like science; are passionate about some aspect of it? If not, perhaps you should have tried the arts, or a less demanding science like psychology or anthropology (super cool IMO).
Changing from a teaching career to another is not a bad idea. My mother is retiring after 25 years as a special education teacher to drive a log truck for my father.:)