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5+ Year Member
Jun 28, 2017
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I have been working very hard on my AMCAS experience section, but I am struggling with a few things. First if I started an internship at the beginning of June and will finish it in August of this year can I include it in my experiences section? Also if I was only an active member in a premed fraternity what is the best way to describe the experience (what I gained, what we do, or something different)? Lastly if I volunteered at two different hospitals should they be separate tabs or should they be lumped as one category?

If anyone is willing to proof-read my experience section information I would really appreciate another pair of eyes looking over this info.

Thank you so much for any advice! #desperateapplicant

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1. You can include the internship. Include the hours done so far (up until submission of your application) and when you plan on completing your internship.
2. What you did and what you gained both work. If you took part in community service as a member, I'd definitely include that as well.
3. Depending on how many hours you volunteered at each hospital, you can lump them or separate them. If they total to <100, I'd lump. If they're more and evenly distributed, I'd separate them.
4. Double check with @Catalystik
5. I am willing to proofread.
1) First if I started an internship at the beginning of June and will finish it in August of this year can I include it in my experiences section?
2) Also if I was only an active member in a premed fraternity what is the best way to describe the experience (what I gained, what we do, or something different)?
1) To expand on Dox4lyfe's comment, you can include the future hours, too, if you're sure of them. Either use the Repeated tab and divide current and future hours that way (for future hours make the current month the beginning of timespan 2 and August 2017 the end of it, then all the hours appear in the header), or mention in the narrative the hours you expect to add before you're done.

2) Label it Extracurricular. Attending general membership meetings that discuss business matters won't add much to your application, so I'd concentrate on educational sessions and what you gained, community service outreach (or helping other members), and organizational involvement, if you took on that role.

If others have questions like yours, there is a thread for that. Check it out: *~*~*~*Official AMCAS Work/Activities Tips Thread 2017-2018*~*~*~*
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