American Ped. Society Summer Research Program

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Feb 5, 2006
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Hey all,

I'm an M1 and I received noticed that I was chosen for the 2006 American Ped Society Summer Research Program. I just wanted to get a sense if this will help when it comes to residency application time. Reason I'm wondering is because I have another offer to work to research but that would not be part of the APS program and I would have to decline it. I like both projects equally and there is little difference in pay or location so I'm just wodering if getting into the research program is an extra bonus that matters.


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In my humble opinion, to get into a good peds residency, research is a bonus, but not a necessity.
SuperFly123 said:
Hey all,

I'm an M1 and I received noticed that I was chosen for the 2006 American Ped Society Summer Research Program. I just wanted to get a sense if this will help when it comes to residency application time. Reason I'm wondering is because I have another offer to work to research but that would not be part of the APS program and I would have to decline it. I like both projects equally and there is little difference in pay or location so I'm just wodering if getting into the research program is an extra bonus that matters.


I'd take the APS, as long as you like the project and will have an equal chance to get published. The APS is a very well respected organization in peds, and you may have a chance to go to the pediatric research meetings (PAS) to present next year. It also goes on your CV as an award, which looks even better. Research may not be a necessity, but it definately helps, especially with the top programs, and if you end up with average Step 1 scores or grades it could make all the difference.
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thanks for the input....for a long time ive wanted to go into peds (hence i applied for this program) but in the event i like something better when i do my 3rd year rotations, would this help at all in terms of residency?