Anesthesia Politics Class

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I cannot believe how dumb political organizations representing physicians are.

They are not dumb. They also do not represent physicians. They represent Employers of physicians.

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That or our salaries equalize
Interestingly, there are physicians that seek a facility contract and try to pay an employed MD the same as a crna at semi-rural hospital taking call 7 days straight.
Given location and call burden, on a per hour basis of work and call it’s pretty redonk. Hopefully people know their value and no one falls for it.
Interestingly, there are physicians that seek a facility contract and try to pay an employed MD the same as a crna at semi-rural hospital taking call 7 days straight.
Given location and call burden, on a per hour basis of work and call it’s pretty redonk. Hopefully people know their value and no one falls for it.

Better than getting paid less than crnas then moonlighting as a crna
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Better than getting paid less than crnas then moonlighting as a crna

Shots fired everywhere….. @gasdocmeme.

I tried once when I was a lowly employed physician to take the crna shifts, and asked to be paid the same rate. Partners wouldn’t sign off. Never understood their reasons.