Another reserves/guard question!!

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Jan 10, 2005
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I would like to know if there is anyone in a civilian medical school or civilian residency who is also in the reserves or guard. I don't mean in the reserves/guard because they are receiving money for their medical education from HPSP, the reserves, or the guard, but simply that they are in the reserves/guard fulfilling a non-medical, non-educational commitment while simultaneously becoming a doctor and paying for their education themself.

My point:

I have wondered about going into the Air National Guard and remaining in my current career field that does not deploy much (acquisitions). I would trade my existing 3 year active duty commitment (I'm currently in the Air Force) for a 6 year guard commitment. Would it be possible, then, while I am serving out my 6 year commitment as an acquisition officer in the Air National Guard, to simultaneously be enrolled in medical school? This would put my separation date at 6 years down the road versus:

HPSP: 4 (school) + 3 (GME) + 3 (existing commitment) + 4 (hpsp) = 14
USUHS: 14 + 3 = 17
Having reserves pay: A long time in the reserves

Surely, somewhere, there must be someone in the reserves/guard who is also in medical school and not receiving financial aid from the gov't, and then when they get called up for a year or something, they let the dean of their school know and then they just come back in the following year. I think for someone in my situation it might be worth taking an extra year or two to finish med school in order to separate in 6 years versus 14 or 17. Incidentally, I love my country and so forth, but the military has run my life since I was 18, and so 6 more years sounds so much more appealing than 10+. The other alternative is to just serve out my 3 active duty years and then separate, but as I mentioned in another thread I already have a hard-fought acceptance, and I just don't want to put off med school for another 3 years.

BTW, I love this board and I have found all the comments, especially those by the realists (no not cynicists!) very helpful :D Thanks!

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My advice is to call the unit you would drill with. Get the basics from them and then research what they tell you. This way you know whether or not it's even possible. I know in the Navy reserves you are asked whether or not your deployment would adversely affect your business. Ie, it goes belly up if you're deployed. If so, you were placed on IRR. Not sure how school plays into this.

My initial reaction is that this just wouldn't work. Air Guard...perhaps it might. I would also look into the deployment history of the unit you would be assigned to and begin your inquiries there. It would be ideal if you could go there on the drilling weekend and ask questions. That's the approach I would take. It'd be nice to get someone to post here but let's face it...this is the internet. Even though I'm sure people here are as accurate as they can be...ya neva no.... :D
Croooz said:
My advice is to call the unit you would drill with. Get the basics from them and then research what they tell you. This way you know whether or not it's even possible. I know in the Navy reserves you are asked whether or not your deployment would adversely affect your business. Ie, it goes belly up if you're deployed. If so, you were placed on IRR. Not sure how school plays into this.

My initial reaction is that this just wouldn't work. Air Guard...perhaps it might. I would also look into the deployment history of the unit you would be assigned to and begin your inquiries there. It would be ideal if you could go there on the drilling weekend and ask questions. That's the approach I would take. It'd be nice to get someone to post here but let's face it...this is the internet. Even though I'm sure people here are as accurate as they can be...ya neva no.... :D

Thanks Crooz. It will be interesting to see how this works out.