Any benefit to pharmd/MBA?

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Jan 16, 2016
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I was thinking about doing a joint pharmd/MBA but I have read mixed things about whether it's is beneficial or not... I am interested in clinical oncology pharmacy with the goal of going into a management position if that matters

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Most oncology pharmacists have completed a PGYI and PGY2 residencies, and work in major hospitals where such positions exist. You'll be lucky to find a hospital that employs one oncology pharmacist, i don't know if you will find one that will need a manager. However, an MBA could be useful for becoming a director of pharmacy in a hospital. Although, most don't have a MBA, just a lot of inpatient experience. I find most Pharm.D/MBA work in the pharm industry (drug companies) and hold supervisor positions in chains.
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If oncology is what interests you most, it'd be better to go the residency route. If you're interested in managing an oncology clinic, you'll probably need a few years experience working in one first. If you'd rather be hospital management, consider doing a management residency.

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If it's a good MBA program & you're okay with the time & financial investment - go for it. But my caveat is to take it seriously. Grow both your clinical knowledge & financial acumen. Don't do it just for the letters. I've met PharmD/MBAs who are neither competent at pharmacy or business.
Depends on what you want to do. My school offered it for free with a GPA requirement. I took it obviously (no brainer). I’m personally working in a pharmaceutical company and as I go through pharmacy school I realize more and more how much I hate it. However, with the MBA I can jump into business development within the pharma company I am in or even have a better stand out CV for a fellowship related to that field. MBA is good for opening doors. It may not effect your salary once you start or even in settings like retail or ambulatory care but it can definitely be used to help you grow in any area you decide to go into. Hope this helps. All the best.
I was thinking about doing a joint pharmd/MBA but I have read mixed things about whether it's is beneficial or not... I am interested in clinical oncology pharmacy with the goal of going into a management position if that matters
I received my MBA before starting pharmacy school this coming fall because I know I want to go into hospital admin side. From all the current pharmacist I have spoken with in those positions currently, they are saying my MBA is essentially pointless because I will have to still complete a two year residency to get a job in that area and most these programs are tied with an MBA focused in pharmacy. I would say you're better off not getting your MBA.
MBA = extra 20-50k in loan debt and probably <5% of pharmacists will benefit from having it.

If you are intelligent and have a good work ethic (or a pulse), most stores will hire you as PIC straight out the gate. No MBA needed.
I was thinking about doing a joint pharmd/MBA but I have read mixed things about whether it's is beneficial or not... I am interested in clinical oncology pharmacy with the goal of going into a management position if that matters
Based on your statement and current stats : No