any hope?

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Jan 8, 2007
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Im scheduled to take the MCAT on Aug 14 and my test scores suck, I just took AMCAS CBT 6 and went DOWN! Is there any hope for me to get my scores up?

CBT 3: 20: (7,5,8)
CBT 4: 22: (8,6,8)
CBT 5: 26 🙁8,8,10)
CBT 6: 23: (8,7,8)

was CBT 6 really hard or was it just me?

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Im scheduled to take the MCAT on Aug 14 and my test scores suck, I just took AMCAS CBT 6 and went DOWN! Is there any hope for me to get my scores up?

CBT 3: 20: (7,5,8)
CBT 4: 22: (8,6,8)
CBT 5: 26 🙁8,8,10)
CBT 6: 23: (8,7,8)

was CBT 6 really hard or was it just me?

Depends up to what?

30+ going to be hard to do, maybe should reschedule.

I have only done two AAMCs (6&7). I thought six was a little harder, got the same score (34). I suggest before you take the real thing take a Kaplan because the sciences on it are alot harder. :luck:
I took CBT 6 today and got a 7, 11, 8. I did not like orgo on CBT 6, nor was I able to do the calculations quickly enough on the PS. I hate how the AAMC makes topics so convoluted, liked asteroids around the sun passage... After I took physical sciences today I sat there and though "there is no way in hell I am ready for the PS section. I don't even know how to approach some of these questions, how this remotely relates to topic X in chemistry or topic Y in physics." I know it is all a matter of studying for me though, I need to study the material more since I'm shooting blanks on the exam. You seam very close to breaking 30, maybe you just had an off day. My advice would be to keep practicing verbal, and keep reviewing content. I've been told its better to review content and build a strong base than to keep taking practice tests w/ a weak background. This is advice I should follow myself... It will be alright, just keep studying content, and hang in there.👍
I would reschedule your MCAT. It is not an exam you want to take before you are ready. My real MCAT score was actually just below my MCAT practice average. Most people score around their average, so I wouldn't cross your fingers and just hope you get lucky on the real thing. I think its better to put medical school off for a year, then take it before you are ready. Maybe try taking another science class this semester like physiology to see if that will help you boost your score.
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Yeah I scored slightly below my average too, so don't go in there thinking you can knock out a 30 with low 20 practice may want to post-pone it.
medlover, When I took the test the first time, I made the HUGE mistake of not finishing content review. And as a result, I BOMBED! So my advice to you would be to not take it until your ready and know your stuff. As soon as I really reviewed content my score skyrocketed. I hope you are successful in whatever you decide to do! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you bc I've been exactly in your position and I know how you feel so you aren't alone!
well I've gone all of the material already, but still have lots of practice problems to do, and need to memorize the equations. Hopefully my score will go up :scared: I really dont want to reschedule...Thanks for the feedback!