Any new news from Loyola or Rush?

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So I thought I read somewhere that Loyola met on 1/8. I know it's only been 1 day, but has anyone heard anything? Any new interview invites go out?

Any more news from Rush since the most recent erroneous email?

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Nothing at all?
The LUC committee was supposed to meet on 01.08, and I also believe they're meeting on 01.22, too! I personally haven't heard anything from them yet.
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according to SDN members, loyola is really slow to give out interviews (each interview day with only 3-5 students), and rush has been delayed with the training of new adcoms. be patient.
Rush has released decisions till Nov 27th interviewees!
nothing from loyola for me yet either. Secondary in by the Dec. 8th date. Today is Thursday though so we can all call and see if they have even reviewed us yet. Assuming they do interview invites via e-mail rather than just snail mail.
I had the same dec 8th deadline, and have not heard back from then either...the waiting continues
I had the same dec 8th deadline, and have not heard back from then either...the waiting continues

what is the Dec8th deadline?? what do yo mean?
we just meant that was our supplemental completion date (dec 8th was one etc.) stamped on the letter.

Well.........I called today and the person who answered the phone seemed rushed and just said I was complete and they would contact me and didn't say I had even been reviewed yet so they still seem to be barely moving through the dec 8th supplemental group I guess.
Has anyone been able to get in touch with Rush? I've called a few times and sent emails to both admissions and Jill. Whats the turnaround time on emails? Will they eventually reply or do I need to send another email?
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Okay it has been a week since Loyola's adcom met...any news here?

Anyone hear from Rush?
Okay it has been a week since Loyola's adcom met...any news here?

Anyone hear from Rush?

In the acceptance thread, someone posted a Loyola acceptance last Friday I believe. I have a feeling most people will get their letters today or tomorrow.
I'm interested in news on interviews invites as well. I am still hoping to get one from these places!
Has anyone been able to get in touch with Rush? I've called a few times and sent emails to both admissions and Jill. Whats the turnaround time on emails? Will they eventually reply or do I need to send another email?

The turn around time on emails is VERY LONG from what I can tell....
Has anyone received an interview invite from Rush or Loyola in '07? I haven't...wish I did though!

I'm assuming I didn't make it out of the re-review pile the last time the adcomms met. :(
Anything new? I called today and they said to call back in 2 weeks if I have not heard anything. The person that answered the phone said they interview through April. Any idea when the meet again or if either schools have sent out and rejections to people they did not offer interviews to?
Hey. Loyola has continued to offer interviews for January. The last committee meeting was on Monday the 22nd.

When I interviewed there, we were advised by staff that there are still spots in the class but the admissions committee is a little less liberal (than they are before the year switches) with the 'direct admissions' and, instead, puts more people on the alternate list.

Not to dispair, however. They also advised that a good proportion of individuals get in off the alternate list and that this alternate list is not a death-sentence as it is at other schools. According to this explanation, this strategy was employed because they are aware of the fact that there are a number of applicants that might not get selected for interview initially but that does not mean that they are unqualified or unsuited for a career in medicine. The alternate list gives them an opportunity to review EVERYBODY equitably before handing out those last available admissions offers to the best fit individuals in the entire stack.

I think it's pretty cool that they do things this way. Any current students/other interviewees are free to add/edit what I've said.
Bucker- that was my exact understanding,too. The "alternate" list from which individuals are granted acceptances, then, is generated from a compilation of things including your recommendations, interview feedback, etc. (not scores though from what I can tell). It sounds like it is time-independent (so even if you interviewed early on and were put on the alternate list, you are not more likely to be shifted into the accepted pile if a guy who interviewed in May has a better standing on the alternate list). According to the dean, approximately 33% of the current first-year class is from that alternate there is indeed hope!!
hey guys,

i got an interview invite from loyola yesterday morning (they called me and actually woke me up, haha!)

they only schedule a month in advance...meaning i can only pick a date up till Feb 24th. and they actually interview up till april. so don't worry you guys, i'm sure there will be TONS of interview invites still coming from this school!

good luck all :)

ps...i'm probably turning down this invite, so you know there will be at least one more opening!
And I just called Loyola to see when correspondance was last sent out, and they said yesterday. So, if you're instate and were waiting anxiously like me, you may hear as early as tomorrow:scared: ...and the stomach knots continue...

PS: Anyone can feel free to laugh at me because I just spent my lunch break speeding home from work to check my mail, grab a bowl of cereal, and jet back to work- just to see if there were any Loyola letters :laugh:
Does Loyola offer all interviews via phone?

Has anyone had any luck getting in touch with Rush?
I am about 2 blocks away from there- tempted to walk over and speak to someone.... Just kidding- that might look crazy :)
So I called Loyola today and was told my application is finally under review. Does this mean I will hear SOMETHING soon, or do they sometimes keep you at this status for a period of time?? Anyone have any experience with this?
So I called Loyola today and was told my application is finally under review. Does this mean I will hear SOMETHING soon, or do they sometimes keep you at this status for a period of time?? Anyone have any experience with this?

That all depends. If they like you, but not enough for an interview, you will get put on a re-review pile, therefore you will need to wait longer. If they like you, they will invite you a interview almost immediately.

And I don't think Loyola offers phone interviews, but I am basing this off the fact that I haven't heard of a case where that has happened.
You IL-ians are lucky with the choice of schools you have in-state. I am stuck in Ky....
i mean do they call you to offer an interview???

And I don't think Loyola offers phone interviews, but I am basing this off the fact that I haven't heard of a case where that has happened.[/QUOTE]
I called yesterday and the person I spoke with on the phone did say that they offer their interviews via phone, so you are right on cbd
I received my interview offer via phone and a subsequent email the next day, and then I received a package in the mail after I confirmed it that had lots of info about the school.
thanks... i might send an update/letter of interest.
i know that i was placed in loyola's maybe pile and i'd love a chance to interview!!
how do you know if they've put you in a re-review or "maybe" pile? Did they tell you when you called for a status update?
you can call on thursdays for a status update.

if i hadn't called it would have been a mystery :)
So I called Loyola today and my app will be reviewed again between now and the beginning of March. They said they will review applications through the first week of April because they interview through April. What I don't understand is that if they have not yet sent out any rejections, do they really go through all 4000 applications each month? How can they possibly do this? Does anyone know if the re-review pile is everyone that hasn't been offered an interview yet...or if there is a pile of applications that stand out among the rest of them that they are most likely to pull from? It's just depressing!

Rush...heard nothing!
I got an interview invite from Loyola via phone call on 1/26 for an interview on 2/15
Well, I called again this week and they again said my file is under review. Same response two weeks in a row...good news or bad? Anyone else been "under review" for a long time?
I received an invite over the phone on 1/31 for an interview next week! I sent an update letter with my Summer/Fall semesters grades. Don't know if it helped, but I don't have the best stats so it probably did.
Good luck everyone
I received an invite over the phone on 1/31 for an interview next week! I sent an update letter with my Summer/Fall semesters grades. Don't know if it helped, but I don't have the best stats so it probably did.
Good luck everyone

rush or loyola?
I received an invite over the phone on 1/31 for an interview next week! I sent an update letter with my Summer/Fall semesters grades. Don't know if it helped, but I don't have the best stats so it probably did.
Good luck everyone

Mind sharing your stats?? (if you are talking about loyola...I am anxiously awaiting them....)
Hi, I am anxiously awaiting Loyola as well. I am currently on the pre-interview hold list (have been on it for a lonnnng time). Has anyone gotten off this list yet?
Still no word from either schools...anyone else?
i missed their call around jan 22 or so , so they emailed me. scheduled the interview for jan 30th.the ADCOM meet feb 19th again.
called loyola...

interviews will continue until end of april...

review of applications/interview invites until end of march...

there's still time...
Three weeks in a row now that I've been told "your application is complete and under review with the committee" when I call...good or bad? Anyone else in a similar situation?
Three weeks in a row now that I've been told "your application is complete and under review with the committee" when I call...good or bad? Anyone else in a similar situation?

This is being told to everyone that calls and has not been invited for an interview. I think eventually they will be sending mass rejections come the first week of April or whenever they are done reviewing.
I recieved an acceptance letter from Rush today. Interviewed on 1/24. I am still waiting to hear from Loyola. I talked to them at the beginning of January and was told about being re-reviewed. I will probably call tomorrow and check on my status and I am currently compiling an update letter to see if that expedites anything.
Both of these schools run late.
I know that Rush will interview untill the end of March.
I have a friend who interviewed at Loyola in APRIL, and was put on the waitlist. The waitlists for both should have significant movement.
Loyola invite today

Interview for March 8th. Finally