Anyone else waiting to hear back from LECOM?

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D.o. or Die
15+ Year Member
Nov 16, 2004
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I hope this doesn't turn into yet another anti-LECOM thread :laugh: This is a thread for people waiting to hear back from LECOM who interviewed recently. I interviewed Friday Dec 1 and they told us the adcom would meet Wed Dec 6to decide if we were in or not. The waiting has begun. If anyone hears back who interviewed around this time, please post and let us know. And if anyone else is nervously waiting like I am, please post so we can co-miserate. Please, no one post crappy comments like, "why would you want to go there?" there are 5 other threads for that purpose. Thank you, that is all.

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I'm afraid it may take you a bit longer to find out. I interviewed at LECOM Erie on the 20th of November, and I have yet to hear from them. Upon calling the admissions office on Friday, I was told that my decision letter was mailed on Tuesday of this week.
I interviewed on the 16th and still have not recieved the letter.
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I'm sure you got accepted. We interviewed on the same day and I got my acceptance letter yesterday.
I got a letter saying my file was reviewd but that a decision hasnt been made on if i should get an interview or not. It makes me feel like theyre just prolonging the reject letter. (this is for the bradenton campus)
When I interviewed on the 4th they told me I would hear in about 2-4 weeks....of course after the first deposit deadline for other schools is :p
I have a question about getting an interview invite--

how did LECOM let you know you got one? Email or phone call?
Thanks Lisa! You already answered my question on another post. When I called Erie, she said that a letter had been sent out, but did not tell me what it think that's a bad sign?
Not at all. That's just their policy, and it makes sense. Surely, many people would like to keep things confidential, and that's hard to establish over the phone. Anyone could be calling.
Thanks Lisa! You already answered my question on another post. When I called Erie, she said that a letter had been sent out, but did not tell me what it think that's a bad sign?

It depends. When I called she said I had been invited for an interview and a letter had been sent out. But she didn't give me any details about the date they scheduled me for or anything. So maybe you talked to another person who gave out even less info. Good luck!! :luck:
I interviewed on Thus Nov. 30th, and they said I was up for review on Wed the 6th too. I guess it's just waiting, haven't heard anything.
I'm afraid it may take you a bit longer to find out. I interviewed at LECOM Erie on the 20th of November, and I have yet to hear from them. Upon calling the admissions office on Friday, I was told that my decision letter was mailed on Tuesday of this week.

I interviewed on november 17, and they also said that my decision letter was mailed on tuesday of last week. They also said that they did not work over the thanksgiving holiday. I know the mail is even slower during the holidays, but is this a good sign? The delayed letter and all the bad threads are making me wonder about this school. I liked it when they interviewed me, and I would be grateful if they accepted me, but I want to enter this school on the right foot, not with great uncertainties. If there are any first or second year students who have positive things to say about this school, I really wish they would post and get my impressions back on the right track.
I don't think it's fair to blame the delayed mail response on LECOM. They said it could take 2-3 weeks, and it'll go through the adcom, and the dean. While I would have liked an earlier response, they are still within their estimated time range.

However, I do share your reservations about LECOM, particularly its clinical education. If you read the (now locked) 'avoid LECOM' thread, you'll see a poster who's a LECOM grad, and one who's an MS-IV there. I PM'ed one of them with my questions, and I recommend you do the same.
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I called LECOM today to ask if there was any way to find out if they had made a decision on me (I interviewed 12/4) since the first deposit deadline for other schools is coming up this week. They said they couldn't tell me anything over the phone but that letters were being made up today and getting mailed afterwards. I told her when I interviewed how could I possibly maybe find out this week when people who interviewed mid-November haven't??
I interviewed there on October 26th, and I still have yet to hear back from them for some reason. Not that I really care what the outcome is, but I am just confused as to why I have not received word from them.
I interviewed on Nov 20th and heard back on Dec 8th. I actually sent out my deposit today.
I called LECOM today to ask if there was any way to find out if they had made a decision on me (I interviewed 12/4) since the first deposit deadline for other schools is coming up this week. They said they couldn't tell me anything over the phone but that letters were being made up today and getting mailed afterwards. I told her when I interviewed how could I possibly maybe find out this week when people who interviewed mid-November haven't??

maybe the adcom only meets once a month? or maybe Thanksgiving got everything out of whack? it makes me feel like puking to think I might hear back soon. :scared:
Last I heard the adcom meets every Wednesday.
Damn that sucks. I'm pulling for you bro. Where else did you apply?

LECOM Bradenton, NSU, AZCOM, and Touro NV - these are the ones that gave me an interview, though i filled out supplementaries for about 13 schools total. I've already been accepted at Touro and Bradenton, but Erie was a bit higher on my priority list. Still waiting to hear from AZCOM and NSU - if I get into any of those schools, it's over. I'd take their offer in a heartbeat.
That's great to hear. You made wise choices and applied to very good schools. I'm sure Erie will come through. Good luck at AZCOM and NSU.
it seems like it's taking a lot of people about 3 weeks to hear back. Buckeye4life just got into ISP and it was about 18 days from interview to letter being mailed out. On the other hand, Lisa called LECOM and they seem to be sending out at least some letters from recent interviews. Hmmm... I am going to go obsess some more while addressing christmas cards...:smuggrin:
Just to let anyone know I called LECOM again today. Remember I had called them earlier this week and they said the letters were going to go to the provost to sign because she was there.

Well today they said the same thing :( The letters are being generated, but the provost is NOT here, so they will be sent out next week from all the recent interviews :(

And of course they couldn't tell me anything over the phone, I was expecting that.
Just to let anyone know I called LECOM again today. Remember I had called them earlier this week and they said the letters were going to go to the provost to sign because she was there.

Well today they said the same thing :( The letters are being generated, but the provost is NOT here, so they will be sent out next week from all the recent interviews :(

And of course they couldn't tell me anything over the phone, I was expecting that.

thanks for calling! now I can stop obessing over the mailman for another week. :laugh:
Honestly I will still stalk the mailman because even though I heard what she said, I secretly am hoping she was wrong or my letter will magically arrive anyway...:thumbup:
Maybe you should just ask the Communications Department to communicate that information to you. :laugh: :laugh:

(See the thread re Osteopathic Schools and Teaching Hospitals. LECOM's Communications Department has joined SDN to answer questions about the school, its curriculum, poicies, etc.)
Maybe you should just ask the Communications Department to communicate that information to you. :laugh: :laugh:

(See the thread re Osteopathic Schools and Teaching Hospitals. LECOM's Communications Department has joined SDN to answer questions about the school, its curriculum, poicies, etc.)

Wow I didn't know that. That must be a fun job, imagine getting paid to post on SDN! :love:

That's kind of neat, at least now it won't be just people speculating, assuming that is actually is a person who works there.
Wow I didn't know that. That must be a fun job, imagine getting paid to post on SDN! :love:

That's kind of neat, at least now it won't be just people speculating, assuming that is actually is a person who works there.

Your puppy is SOOOO cute!:love: :love: :)
Maybe you should just ask the Communications Department to communicate that information to you. :laugh: :laugh:

(See the thread re Osteopathic Schools and Teaching Hospitals. LECOM's Communications Department has joined SDN to answer questions about the school, its curriculum, poicies, etc.)

:eek: LOL! That is just weird. It kind of freaks me out that there really are schools on here checking us all out. :scared: I better be on my best behavior now! :D
Your puppy is SOOOO cute!:love: :love: :)

Thanks!! He is the cutest puppy ever :love: And I only made him wear the reindeer ears while I took a picture of him, before anyone calls me mean! He is gonna be a big dog, you have a big one too don't you?
:eek: LOL! That is just weird. It kind of freaks me out that there really are schools on here checking us all out. :scared: I better be on my best behavior now! :D

It's too late. I've heard they have an extensive file on you. :laugh:
Thanks!! He is the cutest puppy ever :love: And I only made him wear the reindeer ears while I took a picture of him, before anyone calls me mean! He is gonna be a big dog, you have a big one too don't you?

Yes, I do! He is an English Mastiff and his name is Dozer. He is eleven months old now, but when he is grown he will weigh somewhere around 180-200 pounds. What kind of dog is yours? He looks adorable in the reindeer ears. My husband wanted to get some for our dog, but we thought that he would eat them.:)


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Yes, I do! He is an English Mastiff and his name is Dozer. He is eleven months old now, but when he is grown he will weigh somewhere around 180-200 pounds. What kind of dog is yours? He looks adorable in the reindeer ears. My husband wanted to get some for our dog, but we thought that he would eat them.:)

He's a pitbull/shepherd mix. Looks like a shepherd mostly, his name is Bengal. He is about 6 months old and is really big, I'm sad because he was little just a few months ago when we got him :(
Our dog is real laid back and just laid around with the reindeer ears until another tiny dog tried to drag him around by the ears, then they got taken off hahaha. I guess maybe you are gonna live in a house, I am nervous about finding apts in med school with a huge dog!
dr. wise said pretty much everyone who gets waitlisted gets in eventually. but he also said it might not be until late July. still, he said you'll almost surely get in.

Yeah, but that isn't always the case. There was a poster here last year who was waitlisted at LECOM and ended not getting him. He's now at Ross in the Carribean.
Yeah, but that isn't always the case. There was a poster here last year who was waitlisted at LECOM and ended not getting him. He's now at Ross in the Carribean.

I think who you are talking about is a female.
Oops, my mistake. How is she doing anyway? I really liked that poster.
I got my letter in the mail today!!! I'm in!!!!! :D :D :D

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D Are you going there or DCOM? As for your previous post, we will probably need a house because of all of the kids. So, the dog is less of an issue.
Damn doctormom your very photogenic!