Anyone else waiting to hear back from LECOM?

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Damn doctormom your very photogenic!

LOL! Thanks. What you don't know is that I had to take like 300 pictures to get 3 decent ones. I thought I should change it since I know the schools are on here checking us all out. The other one needed to be cropped a little I think. LOL!;) :D

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whats LDP? please describe, not just the acronyms. thanks!
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We need to continue on the OFFICIAL LECOM CLASS OF 2011!
Congrats LisaMD! :)

I wonder if the ISP and PBL people will need to wait longer to hear. I haven't gotten word yet and I live pretty close so I'd think the mail would be pretty quick. My husband suggested we drive up there and get the letter from them in person :laugh: Oh well, more obsessing for me. Hope it comes before christmas. Unless it's a rejection :smuggrin:

Good luck to all...:luck:
I got my first acceptance from them in the mail on Friday... I was so excited, now the pressure is off. But the only thing is I haven't heard a peep from my other schools....and the $1500 deposit is due Jan 10!!!. Arggg.:eek:
I finally heard back from them two days ago. I interviewed there on 10/26. Anyway, it was a rejection letter. Rock! *Guitar riff*
I got my first acceptance from them in the mail on Friday... I was so excited, now the pressure is off. But the only thing is I haven't heard a peep from my other schools....and the $1500 deposit is due Jan 10!!!. Arggg.:eek:

are you LDP like Lisa?
I finally heard back from them two days ago. I interviewed there on 10/26. Anyway, it was a rejection letter. Rock! *Guitar riff*

perhaps they sensed your lack of enthusiasm :laugh: have you decided where you're going yet?
Have any ISP/PBL people with recent interviews heard back yet? I wonder if I'l hear back before Christmas. :confused: If anyone hears from LECOM, please post!
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Did you get into DMU, Trevelyan? That would be rather bizzarre, if you get admitted to DMU and not LECOM.
Did you get into DMU, Trevelyan? That would be rather bizzarre, if you get admitted to DMU and not LECOM.

Yes. I am an unusual candidate though, because I am legally blind, so that is an easy way for a school to dismiss me if they don't really want to deal with that.
That's great to hear. You made wise choices and applied to very good schools. I'm sure Erie will come through. Good luck at AZCOM and NSU.

Well, I got into AZCOM and NSU, so it's bye bye LECOM. Ah well, their loss :)
I got word today: accepted to ISP and all! Very exciting. I'm cancelling my PCOM interview. Good luck to anyone else who hasn't heard yet. I think I'm the last one to hear though :laugh: Woohoo!
Congratulations. :)
I got word today: accepted to ISP and all! Very exciting. I'm cancelling my PCOM interview. Good luck to anyone else who hasn't heard yet. I think I'm the last one to hear though :laugh: Woohoo!

I am following your story for a while. Congrates!
I got word today: accepted to ISP and all! Very exciting. I'm cancelling my PCOM interview. Good luck to anyone else who hasn't heard yet. I think I'm the last one to hear though :laugh: Woohoo!

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!:clap: :hardy: :clap: You don't really know me, but I have read a lot of your previous posts and you definitely deserve it!!!!!! I am genuinely happy for you!!! :D BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!!:luck: :D :luck: :D
I got word today: accepted to ISP and all! Very exciting. I'm cancelling my PCOM interview. Good luck to anyone else who hasn't heard yet. I think I'm the last one to hear though :laugh: Woohoo!

Good stuff man. Congrats

I got word today: accepted to ISP and all! Very exciting. I'm cancelling my PCOM interview. Good luck to anyone else who hasn't heard yet. I think I'm the last one to hear though :laugh: Woohoo!

Congrats! Well at least we'll meet the first 15 weeks lol:thumbup:
I just got my acceptance letter today to the LDP pathway. I'm pretty sure that I am going to go there. Any ideas on nice places to live? See you guys in August!
I just interviewed at the school today and really liked what I saw. Hopefully I'll receive great news from them in 3 weeks.
I interviewed on 1/11....please post as soon as you hear, so I can begin to despair if I haven't heard...