Anyone get in by accident?

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Oct 7, 2002
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I had a bunch of friends, who just applied to some top schools for the hell of it. Given their stats, there's no way they could even land an interview, but they still figured they might slip through a crack somewhere by accident.

Anyone know of any real stories like this, where someone got an interview and was totally shocked because their stats weren't even close???


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Originally posted by LUBDUBB
I had a bunch of friends, who just applied to some top schools for the hell of it. Given their stats, there's no way they could even land an interview, but they still figured they might slip through a crack somewhere by accident.

Anyone know of any real stories like this, where someone got an interview and was totally shocked because their stats weren't even close???

that can happen? lol..waiting for some of the stories, lol.
According to a close friend of mine, she had a friend with a high GPA and a 24 MCAT who got into a top 10 medical school. The guy completely lied in his application about doing some research and community service. Somehow he got in. Apparently, he was very close to the Provost of the university he went to (you know...major a$$ kissing), and he got a good letter of recommendation from him. The most messed up thing about it was that he applied in late October (because he thought he had too low a score in the MCAT) and didn't get into any other medical school, but still managed to get into one of the best medical schools in the country. Talk about slipping through the cracks. :wow:
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Originally posted by CANES2006
According to a close friend of mine, she had a friend with a high GPA and a 24 MCAT who got into a top 10 medical school. The guy completely lied in his application about doing some research and community service. Somehow he got in.

Sounds familiar, apparently this happens more frequently than i thought possible. I won't even go there :rolleyes:
Originally posted by CANES2006
According to a close friend of mine, she had a friend with a high GPA and a 24 MCAT who got into a top 10 medical school. The guy completely lied in his application about doing some research and community service. Somehow he got in. Apparently, he was very close to the Provost of the university he went to (you know...major a$$ kissing), and he got a good letter of recommendation from him. The most messed up thing about it was that he applied in late October (because he thought he had too low a score in the MCAT) and didn't get into any other medical school, but still managed to get into one of the best medical schools in the country. Talk about slipping through the cracks. :wow:
:eek: really? sheesh...:eek:
Accidently went to the wrong class once but I don't know about accidently going to a university, maybe if I was psycho.....

What's w/ these 24ppl. I know a person (can girls be tools too? if so she is) w/ a 24 a high GPA (which they didn't earn but enough of that) & lack luster extra curriculars (I think they volunteered for like a month) and they got in.......not top ten, but they nonetheless got in......(they are NOT a urm, didn't know somebody in the office)

It's not slipping through the cracks, it's damage control.....if all sub ____MCATs got rejected, after the test we might have MCATers go postal, and well, when anal ppl crack....

Good luck to your friends