Anyone have a comprehensive list of Holistic Schools?

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Jan 17, 2024
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Hey everyone,

I hope you're doing well! I'm currently in the process of researching vet schools and was wondering if anyone has a comprehensive list of schools that are known for their holistic application approach. I'm particularly interested in programs that consider various aspects beyond just academic achievements.

If you have any insights, personal experiences, or know of schools that prioritize holistic applications, please share them here. Your input will be incredibly valuable as I navigate through the application process.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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As I have learned, most schools are holistic. Just received my fifth rejection today out of seven schools and my cumulative gpa is a 3.98. Schools prefer hours over grades!
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I feel like a lot of schools that say they are holistic still have high GPA expectations for OOS students just because they have to choose from so many. Cornell comes to mind, although that shouldn't be a complete deterrent. I don't know about every school, but from the ones I did the most research on last year I would say Michigan and Western are pretty holistic.

I'll link a google doc that has a list of holistic schools at the bottom:
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