Anyone know this about Rush?

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Nov 3, 2004
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Anyone know if Rush is still hading out interviews (has class openings left)? Or am I just waiting for bad news? Thanks.

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i am pretty sure Rush is still giving out interviews. their application deadline hasn't even passed yet (2/1/2005), and i have heard from current students that they can interview pretty late compared to most schools. hope this helps.

GoBlue129 said:
Anyone know if Rush is still hading out interviews (has class openings left)? Or am I just waiting for bad news? Thanks.
cmdoctor said:
i am pretty sure Rush is still giving out interviews. their application deadline hasn't even passed yet (2/1/2005), and i have heard from current students that they can interview pretty late compared to most schools. hope this helps.

cool. thanks!
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I interviewed there last week, and the admissions director said there are many slots left
hi there... don't worry about any rumors... i actually interviewed this week and the admissions director said that any rumors about the class being filled was not true. :)
best of luck
redskittles said:
hi there... don't worry about any rumors... i actually interviewed this week and the admissions director said that any rumors about the class being filled was not true. :)
best of luck

i got accepted to Rush recently and I know for a fact that they are still interviewing and the class is not full. Good luck!! Perhaps sending a letter of interest could work...
blump said:
i got accepted to Rush recently and I know for a fact that they are still interviewing and the class is not full. Good luck!! Perhaps sending a letter of interest could work...

Then add your name to the list!

I've been feeling lonely....
DrThom said:
Then add your name to the list!

I've been feeling lonely....

Sorry man...I will. Do you think you might go to Rush? I really liked it there but I am unsure.
I was accepted there but will soon give up my spot... good luck to who ever gets it!