AOA status?

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Doctor Bagel

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Sep 26, 2002
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I'm trying to figure out how to honestly answer this on the eras profile. My school picked half of the AOA people in the spring, and I was not picked. However, they're picking another half sometime this fall, which is something I'm holding out hope for giving. Should I just leave the AOA section blank, or is it OK to click "AOA elections held in senior year" even though half of the people have already been picked.

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Answer the question as it applies to you at this point. If you are selected for AOA, it will be in your MSPE. Lot's of folks are "holding" out of AOA at this point. Right now, either you have it or you don't. If you are a strong enough candidate, it will be in your MSPE.
Well, that's where I'm confused. Is leaving the whole section blank the most accurate or is it more accurate to state "elections held senior year." You're right, though, it'll show up in the MSPE, so I doubt it matters much how I mark it.
Well, that's where I'm confused. Is leaving the whole section blank the most accurate or is it more accurate to state "elections held senior year." You're right, though, it'll show up in the MSPE, so I doubt it matters much how I mark it.

I'm in the same position and I'm going with elections in senior year. Its the truth, there are more elections, a lot more, and I hope that I will get it. Am I a shoe in.... I doubt it.
i'm in same exact boat. have decided to go with "aoa in senior year" from dropdown menu. might be fudging a lil bit, but it's a white lie, that's actually half true (see how i'm trying to convince myself). at least you know how 1 other person in your position is handling it. heh, maybe we're the same person. i always thought i might have DID (lame psych reference).
elections in senior yr, is the winner.

DID sore eye asses! haha! i suffer from ADHD...what are sore eye asses anyways?
say it fast. i'm a derm wannabe.

ROFL!!! psoriasis!!! LOVE IT!!! Haha- you've got wit, PD's give him/her an interview!
G'luck future dermie!!!

I just want you to know that I sat there and pictured tired eyes on butt cheeks...and then thought they're like abscesses on the feet up to the butt..ya i don't know...
When are elections for your senior year held? Is that status something you can change after submitting? I'm just wondering what if the program is familiar with your school or another applicant from your school is junior AOA. Then the program will probably know that the school has already had AOA elections. Ideally, ERAS should have more options such as "Not Junior AOA, Senior AOA pending"
When are elections for your senior year held? Is that status something you can change after submitting? I'm just wondering what if the program is familiar with your school or another applicant from your school is junior AOA. Then the program will probably know that the school has already had AOA elections. Ideally, ERAS should have more options such as "Not Junior AOA, Senior AOA pending"

That's a good question. Our school is annoyingly secretive about this stuff. I was told by the AOA chapter president that the selections would be in time for residency applications. What exactly that means I don't know. Apparently that meant early October last year.
At my school, the nomination/elections are mid sept, so technically in time for applications, but not if you are planning to apply Sept 1. You will probably be notified as soon as you are voted in and can put it on your CV and Eras prior to the actual inductions ceremony.
At my school, the nomination/elections are mid sept, so technically in time for applications, but not if you are planning to apply Sept 1. You will probably be notified as soon as you are voted in and can put it on your CV and Eras prior to the actual inductions ceremony.

As far as I know, we don't have nominations. We have some random committee that picks everybody. I was asked to submit my CV for the spring selection but wasn't picked. And I only found out I wasn't picked because I heard other people had been picked. There's no official announcement or anything. The rumor is that selection is made almost entirely on grades, but again it's not a transparent process.
Our school made a point of having senior AOA selections completed before 9/1. Also, the criteria are very well described. One of the few things our administration does correctly I suppose.
Our school made a point of having senior AOA selections completed before 9/1. Also, the criteria are very well described. One of the few things our administration does correctly I suppose.

Same with my school; we found out on Friday. The criteria at my school are solely based on academic performance while other schools may use a combination of academics and other factors (leadership, research, etc). I've even seen one school use a class vote as part of the selection criteria. The more objective, the easier it is to notify the class before 9/1.
When are elections for your senior year held? Is that status something you can change after submitting? I'm just wondering what if the program is familiar with your school or another applicant from your school is junior AOA. Then the program will probably know that the school has already had AOA elections. Ideally, ERAS should have more options such as "Not Junior AOA, Senior AOA pending"

Elections are held different times at different schools. Mine was held mid-Sept. AOA status is one of the few things (contact info being the other) that you can change once you submit.

To the OP, go ahead and mark "AOA elections held in senior year" which is completely truthful. Once it happens, if you are chosen, update your profile and away you go.
Does one has to email programs about recent AOA selection or just changing the status on profile will suffice i.e. do programs really re-download profile part of your application with a new AOA status?
AOA is going to be in your Deans Letter (MSPE). They can also tell from your grades on your transcript if you are even close to being AOA material. Our AOA selections were not announced until May of our senior year but AOA was indicated in our (MSPE). Some people found out earlier than the May announcement because they were congratulated during residency interviews.

Once ERAS is filed, you can't actually "update" anything. That's why you have to be sure it's totally accurate before you hit the finalize button.
Once ERAS is filed, you can't actually "update" anything. That's why you have to be sure it's totally accurate before you hit the finalize button.

You can update 2 things: AOA status and contact information.

To the previous poster, just updating it on ERAS is fine. Every time you add something to ERAS and a program logs on to ERAS, your file will get updated.
Obsessive question #43. Got an email today saying I was selected but said something about paying dues before our membership is verifiable. However, the email didn't have any information about how to pay these dues. I'm about 98% sure it's OK to go ahead and update ERAS, but I'm not 100% there because I guess I'm not officially a member until I pay those dues. Of course, it is in the MSPE, so I guess no one could successfully lie.

Yes, I am insane.
Obsessive question #43. Got an email today saying I was selected but said something about paying dues before our membership is verifiable. However, the email didn't have any information about how to pay these dues. I'm about 98% sure it's OK to go ahead and update ERAS, but I'm not 100% there because I guess I'm not officially a member until I pay those dues. Of course, it is in the MSPE, so I guess no one could successfully lie.

Yes, I am insane.
Congrats! Assuming you're planning to pay the dues as soon as they tell you how, I don't see why you shouldn't go ahead and update.
Yes, you can update the AOA status - one the profile section, not in the CAF. The updated profile is then downloaded by programs.
As far as notifying programs, I have a couple that I'm applying to for Pediatrics that, in very small print, indicated on their websites that they would like applicants to email the Program Coordinator with updates in AOA status just to ensure this information is noted. So read the websites/residency brochures carefully.
Additionally, one Program Coordinator directly asked me on the phone when I called to schedule my interview.
For reference:

You are not an official member until you register and pay dues. After election, you will get a letter in the mail with more information including your member number so that you can register on the website.

All in all, I would update the ERAS ASAP after election... It will be on your MSPE evaluation as well.

Elections vary by school. AOA status is not granted by every medical school:

The schools that do have it have variable election processes. Check with the Dean's Office or your school's chapter councilor.

If you're at a school that does have it, it is advantageous for dermatology, neurosurgery, and plastics (some might say the other ROAD specialties as well). The NRMP outcomes of the match document shows up to 50 % of those matched in the specialty have AOA status.
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