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5+ Year Member
Dec 21, 2017
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Hi guys,

I hope everyone is doing well. As the school year ends, I wanted to see what other pharmacy schools are doing for this crisis? Personally, my school keeps us in the dark for the most of this. I know this COVID-19 situation is making things difficult for the IPPE & APPE students. It is decided that going forward my school is making the fall 2020 semester remotely due to this difficulty.

I wonder how it will affect the IPPE? I am asking for my friend since I am worried for him. At least the hospital one--I know for the most part--the community APPE is still happening but I live in NJ and nothing around here wants to take sites. And I have a feeling in September, it won't be better than it is right now. I have seen the cases in NJ go down but it seems this virus is unpredictable, and the preceptors do not want to have the students on the site due to this risk. Personally my school was never prepared for a situation like this, and I am sure none of the other pharmacy schools were either.

I just wanted to find out what other schools are doing for APPES/IPPEs. For APPEs, it is mostly remotely. the only sites we can go onto is community and specialty pharmacy. I am kinda worried that I won't learn much during APPEs. My school made all the APPEs P/F, have other school done the same?

Anyways looking forward in hearing from anyone.

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I believe a majority of pharmacy schools are in an ambiguous situation, and there's not much anyone can do about it. I precept for a school in the Southeast, and it looks like most students have been displaced from their original sites in May. Many are in community, a lot are remote, and some are off.

We are taking this on a monthly basis, and students should acknowledge that things may change abruptly with little notice. We hate it too, but things like the entire hospital restricting students are barriers we have no control over.
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Not APPE related, but starting my summer IPPEs our health-system rotation has been cancelled and replaced with online introductory hospital learning modules and zoom meetings. The plan is to make up the rotation a few weeks before our APPEs begin next year. Currently our class will be doing our rotation at a community setting the first week of July.
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Why would chains continue to take students at this time? Schools need to plan accordingly (which apparently they are not *cough CNSU cough*)
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Hi guys,

I hope everyone is doing well. As the school year ends, I wanted to see what other pharmacy schools are doing for this crisis? Personally, my school keeps us in the dark for the most of this. I know this COVID-19 situation is making things difficult for the IPPE & APPE students. It is decided that going forward my school is making the fall 2020 semester remotely due to this difficulty.

I wonder how it will affect the IPPE? I am asking for my friend since I am worried for him. At least the hospital one--I know for the most part--the community APPE is still happening but I live in NJ and nothing around here wants to take sites. And I have a feeling in September, it won't be better than it is right now. I have seen the cases in NJ go down but it seems this virus is unpredictable, and the preceptors do not want to have the students on the site due to this risk. Personally my school was never prepared for a situation like this, and I am sure none of the other pharmacy schools were either.

I just wanted to find out what other schools are doing for APPES/IPPEs. For APPEs, it is mostly remotely. the only sites we can go onto is community and specialty pharmacy. I am kinda worried that I won't learn much during APPEs. My school made all the APPEs P/F, have other school done the same?

Anyways looking forward in hearing from anyone.

There is a reason why you are kept in the dark. The strategy here is to collect a paycheck as long as possible without rocking the boat. The way this is accomplished is by ensuring revenue continues. The only way they can accomplish this is by keeping you thinking that everything is just honky dory...

Edit: I would add this... I am a preceptor and I accept several student a year. I worry about this “remote APPE experience” as it will not properly prepare you to be a high level pharmacist. I set up a remote learning experience last month for a student and I hate to say it but it was a downright shi**y experience. The students I took prior to that had great experiences and I was able to teach them a lot.

It’s a bad situation...
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There is a reason why you are kept in the dark. The strategy here is to collect a paycheck as long as possible without rocking the boat. The way this is accomplished is by ensuring revenue continues. The only way they can accomplish this is by keeping you thinking that everything is just honky dory...

Edit: I would add this... I am a preceptor and I accept several student a year. I worry about this “remote APPE experience” as it will not properly prepare you to be a high level pharmacist. I set up a remote learning experience last month for a student and I hate to say it but it was a downright shi**y experience. The students I took prior to that had great experiences and I was able to teach them a lot.

It’s a bad situation...

I know a few people on the board of pharmacy that can get my school for the things they get away for. I know this situation is very difficult for students since the APPEs/IPPEs are time for students to learn and doing it remotely. One of my boss, is a PharmD, who started a company and he told me how terrible APPEs were when we graduated. And he ran this company for 35 years now so I can imagine how much things have changed. Exactly, so it's for profit at this point. Then students should not say anything. I always knew it was about money and they just use APPE students as a means to an end. Anyways thanks for keeping it real. I always appreciate when people don't sugar coat things.

Thanks for letting me know. All the preceptors at my university at straight out of residency and sugar coating things saying how it was such a great transition. I just not understand if the students are working remotely 8am-4pm we should be able to get graded for this. Not have it pass/fail. I wonder if its the same at other pharmacy schools?
Why would chains continue to take students at this time? Schools need to plan accordingly (which apparently they are not *cough CNSU cough*)

I don't understand that either. Speciality and community pharmacy are taking students at least in my school. They need to have an strategy of tackling this which they do not and this is something higher institutions should have planned. No one planned for Ebola but they developed a quick plan in case that happens. It's a different virus but they need to be more prepare
Not APPE related, but starting my summer IPPEs our health-system rotation has been cancelled and replaced with online introductory hospital learning modules and zoom meetings. The plan is to make up the rotation a few weeks before our APPEs begin next year. Currently our class will be doing our rotation at a community setting the first week of July.

Will that delay your graduation then? IPPE 2 is a rotation you are required to do for sure. But honestly according to a lot of my friends who did IPPE 2 most of us didn't get a chance to learn that much in 5 weeks since it so quick.
Will that delay your graduation then? IPPE 2 is a rotation you are required to do for sure. But honestly according to a lot of my friends who did IPPE 2 most of us didn't get a chance to learn that much in 5 weeks since it so quick.

The plan is to modulate it right before APPEs begin. Of course, being a 3 year program some other changes are currently in the making while we do IPPE2 modules plus online shadowing in a health-system then moving on to an IPPE3 community site this July. With these changes I'm trying to be optimistic that I'll at least get to be back in the classroom by August (which doesn't seem probable to me at this point). I cannot fathom trying to do APPEs during a pandemic....
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The plan is to modulate it right before APPEs begin. Of course, being a 3 year program some other changes are currently in the making while we temporarily do IPPE2 modules then moving on to an IPPE3 community site this July. With these changes I'm trying to be optimistic that I'll get to be back in the classroom by August (which doesn't seem probable to me at this point). I cannot fathom trying to do APPEs during a pandemic.....

Well I don't think any of the pharmacy schools ever planned for this to happen but I would think they would after what happened with the ebola in 2014. Im in a four year program and I am wondering how we will even do any of this tbh since I am going on APPE right now. We all have an off-block. My school took it away from us but with this situation they gave it back to us to give the hospital more time. It really sucks going onto rotations in the midst of all of this but I hope things get better.
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