Application process for CA1/pgy2 positons?

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Jul 5, 2023
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I have completed a residency (now board certified) in a primary care specialty and am completing a military obligation for the HPSP scholarship. When my service obligation is finished, I am considering applying to anesthesia residency instead of a subspecialty fellowship for a variety of reasons. I have tried searching the forums — what does this process look like? Would I need to apply to ERAS in my final year of service (like a m4), or do I apply in advance (to match ~16 months ahead of CA1 start)? Has anyone navigated this process recently and have light to share?

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You can do either, as long as your plan includes doing an internship elsewhere (sounds like you’ve got that covered with your previous residency)

If you are looking to start your CA-1 year immediately after the match, the you would be applying for what’s called an R1 spot. These openings are rarer (and often harder to get) and typically arise if a program either has a resident depart the program after internship or if the program has been allocated a compliment increase by the anesthesia residency review committee (RRC).

If you apply to a program a year and a half before you would be matriculating into CA-1, then you would seek out programs with an advanced (non-categorical) track,meaning that some of their residents, by design, do their internship elsewhere)

If you can, try to make sure that your pre-CA training includes a month of ER and 1 to 2 months of ICU so you don’t have to make up those months once you start your CA-1 year.
OP - sent you a private message as I have a friend who’s been down that (or a very similar) road recently. Contact info provided. Hope that can provide some additional insight or perspective!