Application Tips with Apply Point: Moral & Ethical Situation Practice Prompts

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You've now reviewed our last two posts on how to answer Moral & Ethical Situation Prompts. Here are some prompts to put what you've read into practice.

Don't forget to verbalize: What information is missing? What assumptions are you making? How do you work through the situation?
  • You’re a year-three medical student. A classmate tells you he plans on cheating on your next exam. What do you do?
  • Is it ever okay to lie to a patient? To a patient's family?
  • Your cousin was injured in a car accident. Her doctor declined to prescribe her prescription pain medication, telling her to take over-the-counter meds instead. She seems to be in a lot of pain—and she has never abused substances. Do you prescribe her a medication?
  • A patient has tested positive for an STI and indicates that he will not be telling his partner about it. His partner is also your patient. What do you do?
  • You catch a colleague sleeping on the job. Do you address this? How?
  • A patient covered in bruises confesses that they're being abused by their partner but insists that they have things under control now. What do you do?
  • A meteor is about to hit Earth. You can save five of the following 10 people. Who do you choose?
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