Apply this cycle or wait till next cycle

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10+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2011
Reaction score
Should I apply this cycle with substandard scores just to go threw the cycle and know the ins and outs, or should I wait till next cycle after my informal postbac and DAT retake... I guess what I'm saying is are there any benefits to applying now with a bad application. One thing I thought of was that schools could see my application at it's low point then in a year see it at it's new improved high point to impress them... Or do reaplicants have some sort of disadvantage? I know you guys will be asking for more details but my oGPA is a 3.0 and sGPA is a 2.75ish my DAT is 18AA 19TS 21PA (what killed me is a 16 in RC :( ), I have about 300 shadowing hours, pretty decent LOR's and a unique life situation.... So I know I'm sub average thus my concern to apply next year with hopefully a 22+ DAT and about 30 credit hours of strait A's plus more shadowing and possibly VP of the dental club at my university and some research etc... Well atleast thats what I'm shooting for, so given those upgrades what do you guys think?

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Its kind of late right now in the application cycle but you may apply if:
A) You are an above average applicant
B) You have the $$$
next cycle, save your money, apply with more confidence in a year.
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Can u guys think of any reasons to apply this cycle besides the obvious have a long shot chance... Also how much of a difference will there be if I become VP of the predental club.
Can u guys think of any reasons to apply this cycle besides the obvious have a long shot chance... Also how much of a difference will there be if I become VP of the predental club.

I don't think it's worth it if you don't think you will get in. The process really doesn't seem that complicated. I don't think you would get a ton of extra insight from applying and not getting in. You may want to fine tune your interview skills for next cycle though. Also, I would assume that any leadership position is useful. Just make sure that you can talk about what you did for your organization.
Can u guys think of any reasons to apply this cycle besides the obvious have a long shot chance... Also how much of a difference will there be if I become VP of the predental club.

It will show some form of leadership skill... but it will not compensate for your gpa or dat score.

That is icing on the cake but the icing is worthless without a cake.
more important than money, dont waste your emotions and energy. Applying prematurely can have really depressing effect on your overall ego and mentality when you start having rejections trickle in over the span of 6+ months.

Wait a year and apply with confidence.
Thanks for the insight everyone... And as a response to the cake analogy I understand what your saying that's why I'm mixing up some Betty crocker batter right now (doing an informal post bacc) I know it's not as good as baking from scratch but hopefully in a year the cake will be baked lol
Thanks for the insight everyone... And as a response to the cake analogy I understand what your saying that's why I'm mixing up some Betty crocker batter right now (doing an informal post bacc) I know it's not as good as baking from scratch but hopefully in a year the cake will be baked lol

Keep the oven burning red hot!