Applying backup with no desire to do backup speciality

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Aug 10, 2017
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So I am an ok candidate applying anesthesia (pass for step/level 1, 240s step 2, one remediation in preclinical, 1 honor 3rd year, 4 sub Is). I was advised to apply a backup. I applied to 15 IM programs and have a few interviews already in both specialties.

Problem is I have no desire to do IM. I have an interview on Monday and I can’t even think of a reason why I would ever want to do it. Should I just withdraw and go all in with anesthesia? Im going to have to lie about why I’m interested in the specialty… has anyone run into a similar situation and what did you do?

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I have an interview on Monday and I can’t even think of a reason why I would ever want to do it.

Anything, at all, whatsoever, that you enjoyed about IM? It would be easier to focus on that kernel of truth than to make something up.

If nothing (literally zero) about bread and butter IM was appealing to you, maybe you enjoyed your time on the ICU. They have a lot of procedures and interventions in common with gas.
Anything, at all, whatsoever, that you enjoyed about IM? It would be easier to focus on that kernel of truth than to make something up.

If nothing (literally zero) about bread and butter IM was appealing to you, maybe you enjoyed your time on the ICU. They have a lot of procedures and interventions in common with gas.
That’s a good point. My IM rotations didn’t include any ICU (or any procedures at all really), so I could talk about how IM allows that
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Have to echo others, the question isn’t “do you want to do IM” it’s “would you rather go unmatched entirely and try again next year or do IM.”

In general, I advise people to go all in on the specialty they really want because it’s hard to create a totally second app and it takes your focus away from your real goal. In this case where you already put in the time and money to apply to your backup, it seems like there is essentially no downside to just taking the interviews. Plus, while I think you are more likely than not to match anesthesia, with your red flags you do have a chance of not matching, in which case you do run the risk of being in the same position of applying for a backup next year.
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Take the interview. Research the program. Come up with a few easy answers to why IM and why our program. Prepare.

Unless of course you're okay with going unmatched and reapplying the following year with a glaring red-flag on your app?
Matching would probably be tough next cycle if unmatched this cycle so I think it only makes sense to not take if there is another “backup” specialty that you would prefer to soap/apply next year.

Worst case just take the interview and not rank IM
If you really don't want categorical IM, don't apply for it. Apply to prelim IM programs. From there you can reapply to Anesthesia, or get an IM PGY-2 position. Applying again while in a residency program is also potentially problematic -- it's a job, you can't just take days off for interviews, it's hard to perform well if you hate what you're doing, and you'll create funding issues for your anestheia re-application.
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If you really don't want categorical IM, don't apply for it. Apply to prelim IM programs. From there you can reapply to Anesthesia, or get an IM PGY-2 position. Applying again while in a residency program is also potentially problematic -- it's a job, you can't just take days off for interviews, it's hard to perform well if you hate what you're doing, and you'll create funding issues for your anestheia re-application.
Prelim IM probably hard to match considering the competition
Then you should’ve applied to a different backup.

If you’re applying to a backup then you’re by default not in the position to be super choosy.

Time to grow up and realize you gotta play the hand your dealt. It’s much better to match into something than not match at all.
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If you really don't want categorical IM, don't apply for it. Apply to prelim IM programs. From there you can reapply to Anesthesia, or get an IM PGY-2 position. Applying again while in a residency program is also potentially problematic -- it's a job, you can't just take days off for interviews, it's hard to perform well if you hate what you're doing, and you'll create funding issues for your anestheia re-application.
Advanced anesthesia is more competitive than categorical. I don't see that as as a better alternative although yes it is an option as they can just continue their IM training if the match doesn’t work out.
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I think I'm misunderstanding you but did you just say matching into a random IM prelim is hard??
Yes, because people who go into radiology, dermatology and other PGY2 fields apply to these
Yes, because people who go into radiology, dermatology and other PGY2 fields apply to these
Just no lol. This is just not true. I'm rads so I interviewed for these and saw the rosters. IM prelim is a joke to match to only surpassed by prelim surg.

No one is trying to do a prelim IM program. The TY is where the competition is.
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Just go all in anesthesia. I know lots of people that went unmatched in derm and ophtho just to match later. A few did do a TY year (which is waaay different from prelim IM as stated above), but several also did research at a residency program and matched the year after. You also get paid to do the research. I don't think anesthesia is as competitive as derm or ophtho so if they can do it, I don't see why you can't. Even for people who really love IM, guarantee they'll still say IM residency sucks lol. Don't do it if you don't have to.
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IM prelims SOAP every year… TYs are competitive for sure.
Yeah, most of these programs do it on purpose to leave spots for people that match competitive things but don't match their prelim year. If you want to try your luck at them, go ahead, but my personal take is you have much higher chances to match into IM/FM in community or remote settings than an IM prelim
Just no lol. This is just not true. I'm rads so I interviewed for these and saw the rosters. IM prelim is a joke to match to only surpassed by prelim surg.

No one is trying to do a prelim IM program. The TY is where the competition is.
It's a joke to match because you are a radiology resident. Your application is probably average-to-strong, but if someone is trying to match with an application that has red flags on them, they have a very different experience than you. For one, they have to lie to the program director saying they are going for something really competitive, which the PD will think is a joke given their application, or they are truthful and say they are using it as a backup and the PD would be more inclined not to match them