Applying to Dental School with a Master's Degree

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Sep 28, 2015
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I was wondering if anyone had any advice/information on schools that like applicants with a Master's degree? I just finished a Master's in Biomedical Science from PCOM and want to add a few schools to my application that favor or tend to accept more students with Masters degrees.

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The big thing for some schools will be if it is research based. If so Tufts and Michigan might look more favorably on that. I know both Midwesterns like to see heavy science based masters degrees.

Another thing that you can do is look in the ADEA guide. If I remember correctly they show how many matriculants had a masters degree. This might give you a better idea of which schools like it.
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If I don't get into dental school what should my masters be in, am currently a chemical engineer.or should I get a PhD
If I don't get into dental school what should my masters be in, am currently a chemical engineer.or should I get a PhD
Granted I am not on admissions, I would go for something biological/biomedical. Most schools want to make sure that you can handle their curriculum. So a master's program with classes like physiology, pharmacology, anatomy and things like that I think are what schools are looking for. A PhD might be a waste of time unless you are planning to use it.