master degree

  1. theChimp

    WAMC - Non-trad w/ Lowercase "x" Factor and Mid Academics

    Academics: cGPA: 3.4 /sGPA: 3.6 (First 3 years of my GPA was 3.25 in an unrelated field, 3.66 DIY post-bacc, and 3.7 master's degree) MCAT: 510 average across 3 FL practice exams (will take first time this fall and once more in the spring if necessary) Demographics: OH Native, MA Resident...
  2. User4286

    High Undergraduate GPA, Low Masters GPA

    I did my undergrad in Biochemistry and had a 3.94 GPA. I was doing research in AI Diagnostics and it really got me interested in the applications of CS in medicine. I decided to pursue an Ivy League master's in Computer Science and my GPA is 2.78 after my first semester and probably will be...
  3. I

    WAMC, Canadian student 3.3 cGPA, 3.83 GPA in last 2 years/60 credits

    Hi everyone, I completed my undergrad in lifesci with a 3.3 cumulative GPA and 3.83 GPA in the recent two years of undergrad. I graduated in 2021 and have been working in sales since because of responsibilities and having to take care of finances and survive on my own. I am yet to write my MCAT...
  4. buttersthecat

    WAMC will my masters degree help?

    Hey yall, my name is Emily, from Baton Rouge, LA Currently completing a masters thesis program at the University of New Orleans First time applying- not sure where I want to apply- Interested in LSU (IS), CST, and NCS Goals: zoo/wildlife/conservation vet, would love to do wildlife research and...
  5. a_zed24


  6. S

    Roseman MBS program

    Hi all, I'm considering doing the Roseman Master's in Biomedical Sciences program to strengthen my dental app and potentially land a seat in Roseman's dental school. I was curious to know if anyone here tried it can provide feedback. Thanks!
  7. SavvySalmon

    University of Cincinnati SMP 2023–24

    Hey! I am a current UC first year medical student and alumni of the Cincinnati SMP. I didn't see a thread started for the next cycle so I thought I'd start one. Let us know if you have any questions about the program!
  8. H

    Clinical PsyD at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology vs MA in Mental Health Counseling at Northwestern University

    After applying to multiple doctoral-level and masters-level programs in Clinical Psychology, Counseling, and MFT, I've narrowed my choice down to two programs: A PsyD in Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (Chicago Campus), and a MA in Mental Health Counseling...
  9. T

    NYU masters in biology (oral track) fall 2022

    Has anybody applied to this program? Or has any information on it?
  10. N

    Graduated with low GPA, but I'm ready to to make a comeback. HELP!

    I don't want to focus too much on my sob story, but the gist of it was my biggest support system passed away during undergrad and I spiraled. To get straight to the point, I graduated in the spring with a 2.7 GPA, have over hundreds of community service hours, research, and I'm currently a CMA...
  11. DrCocoLoco

    To apply to a Master's program or not?

    Hello! I just need some advice specific to my situation. I'm a 28yr old cellular and molecular biology major with a 3.65 cgpa, and 3.72 sgpa. I spent the last few years working in a doctor's office and doing some volunteer work/ research internships. I have been looking to apply to some master's...
  12. andyv500

    Active-Duty Military, Online Master's Degree?

    First-time poster! I'm an active-duty Coast Guard officer looking to switch into the reserves and matriculate into medical school (D.O.) in 2024. I have a 3.35 undergraduate GPA (not the best, I know, working on that solid MCAT score). I would have never considered a Master's program, but I've...
  13. N

    Completing a master’s during gap year(s)?

    I am currently taking medical school prerequisites as a part of a DIY post-bacc, however I am taking only one course per year so far (because the classes I want to take concurrently require the classes I am currently taking as a prereq) which obviously is a pretty low course load. I am in Canada...
  14. A

    Which program should I choose to help my app? Baylor Post-bacc vs Arkansas MSB?

    Hey guys, I'm applying to these two programs and idk which is better and/or best for me. Some brief background, I have a cGPA and sGPA of 3.0 as a bio major, with my last 60 hours being ~3.7 and last 2 years ~ 3.5 of mostly upper level hard sciences, MCAT 500, I have published 1 lit review, have...
  15. A

    Anyone know anything about the Benedictine University (Lisle, IL) Master of Science in Integrative Physiology?

    I'm a pre-dental junior with a lower gpa/science gpa. I saw this program and was wondering if anyone knew about the stats of students that got into dental school, experiences with the linkages that the program states with dental schools, overall experience with the program, etc. Also, how does...
  16. psych_student4391

    How to make the most of an M.S. counseling program while en route to a Ph.D.?

    Hello all, First, I'd like to explain my situation: I initially graduated with a B.S. in biology and a mediocre GPA. Upon realizing that I wanted to earn a doctorate in either clinical or counseling psychology, I decided to get a second bachelor's degree because I had taken zero courses in...
  17. R

    What's my best option?

    Long story short, I graduated with a bachelor in Engineering (Chemical) with a 2.76 cGPA and just finished a maters in Mathematics with a cGPA 3.7. After a series of incidents, I decided now to go for medical school. I have research experience in math and biomed-engineering(worked under...
  18. F

    Problem with coursework, Please help!

    I've read the fine print in the acceptance letter and it says that the offer is contingent on the fact that I have completed my coursework/programs listed in my application. I am depending on my acceptance to the program. Will the fact that I withdrew from the program be a problem? The course...
  19. E_Savij

    Master of Science in Counseling before PhD in Clinical Psychology

    Hello everyone, and apologies for topic overlap. I see parts of my question answered in other threads, but I feel my own thread would be more direct. I received my Bachelors in Biology from the best university in my state. Unfortunately, I began experiencing my own mental health issues that...
  20. G

    New Master's Program for predental track students at University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine

    Master of Oral Health Sciences (MOHS) for pre-dental track students at University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine prepares college graduates to more effectively compete for dental school admissions and/or pursue other health sciences related careers. The program is now accepting...
  21. H

    Is "optional" GRE really optional for masters in CMHC?

    I'm applying to 5 schools for masters programs in CMHC and all of them have an optional GRE. My undergraduate cumulative GPA is 3.48 and major (psychology) GPA is 3.73. I also have 2 years of experience in 2 undergraduate research labs and volunteer experience for Crisis Text Line and I have 2...
  22. P

    NSU MBS College of Allopathic Medicine

    Are there any recent grads from this program on SDN who could share their thoughts and stories regarding their experience?
  23. Stay_med26

    Chatham University MABS program 2020-2021

    Hi all, Just received an acceptance from this program today! Doing the 1 year non-thesis track. Does anyone have any personal experience or insight on this program? I am a pre-Med student.
  24. S

    Oxford Master's before Medical School

    So I recently received some good news about having been accept to Oxford for a master's in social policy, but the only thing holding me back is the cost, which I estimate to be around $40k in loans when I already have loans from undergrad. Some background about me is that I currently attend an...
  25. Nikhil8587

    "Help needed for my Research"(Thread Open To All)

    Hello everyone, Please help me decide a research topic that is viable for journals and conferences. All of these topics tickle my core interest and other factors like literature have been already looked at, but it is getting really hard to choose a topic. Please give your valuable suggestion...
  26. T

    Chances for dental school and master program

    Hi guys, I'm currently doing a master in biology and have a 4.0 GPA 26 credits so far. Unfortunately for undergrad my GPA was a 3.2o and 3.0s which is why I didn't apply for dental school last year. I'm hoping the master is enough but I know its not a special MSP so would this lower my...
  27. Dustyrose96

    DAT Prep DILEMMA, please HELP!

    You know the saying that there is a time and a place for everything? Or something along the lines of things having"bad timing"? Well, I feel like I am either not finding the right time to start my DAT perp.. or I'm just too afraid of starting because I don't want it to go downhill. I know its...
  28. S

    Rutgers Biomedical Sciences Masters - New Brunswick 2019-2020

    Any one get accepted?? for this upcoming Fall 2019 semester. If so, GPA? science and cumulative MCAT score?
  29. S

    oral pathology master

    hi , i recently graduated from a dental school in Armenia . i obtained a dds degree , my plan is to move to Canada and continue my education in Canada . would it be possible to study for masters or do research with a dds degree in canada if you graduated from a non-accredited university ? im...
  30. LindaAccepted

    Medical The Benefits of Taking a Gap Year Before Medical School

    A significant number of students are taking a year (or more) after college to improve their qualifications before applying to medical school. You might use this time to do research, retake the MCAT, or get clinical or other work experience. If your stats are on the low side, you might consider a...
  31. L

    Best route to complete prerequisites for vet school if I have already graduated

    If I am several years out of college and have already graduated with a bachelors in mechanical engineering but decided to follow my passion of becoming a vet, what is the best way to complete the prerequisite courses? Would I just be able to take courses at any university or enroll as a master's...
  32. A

    Graduate School

    Does anyone have experience on how schools calculate GPA when you have Graduate courses? I am currently in an MBA program and am having trouble finding out if the masters GPA will be factored in. Thanks!
  33. Fz94

    Question regarding postbacc/prevet masters program/poor chances of getting into vetschool

    I am a graduate from Santa Clara University with a Bachelor's degree in Biology, and I am currently applying for Vet Schools for the 2019 application cycle. I am planning to apply to 13 vet schools in total. My question is regarding how Vet Schools actually look at the GPA you would earn form a...
  34. N

    Applying to Dental School with a Master's Degree

    I was wondering if anyone had any advice/information on schools that like applicants with a Master's degree? I just finished a Master's in Biomedical Science from PCOM and want to add a few schools to my application that favor or tend to accept more students with Masters degrees.
  35. H

    Tulane Masters in Medical Genetics and Genomics

    The Tulane Masters in Medical Genetics and Genomics still has openings for students for the 2018 Fall class. We are a 1-year, post-baccalaureate Master which offers graduates an in-depth understanding of the rapidly advancing field of clinical human genetics. It is designed to prepare...
  36. Mickey.Mouse

    Should I do a second Bachelor's or a Master's?

    Hey everyone, I graduated with BS/MS in 2016 with a combined GPA of 3.05. Took my MCAT in 2017 with little to no preparation and scored a 488. It's a horrible score, I know. It seems like everything is going wrong for me and that there's no chance to being admitted to medical school. For the...
  37. Y

    Which MPH PROGRAM - BU, PITT, NYU, Emory

    Hey Guys! I have been deciding which MPH program to commit to. My options are Boston University MPH, University of Pittsburgh’s MPH program, NYU MPH, and Emory MPH. I’m planning to concentrate in Health Policy & Mangament. Any advice or suggestions, trying to decide. Thanks so much for all...
  38. T

    What alternative medical careers can I pursue if I give up?

    Hi folks, I'm currently in the middle of a Master's program. Trying to earn a new GPA. Currently I'm at a 3.53. I've gotten the hardest classes over with so hopefully it'll get up to 3.7 or so when done. My undergrad GPA was 3.0 which is humiliating. In undergrad I was severely sick for 3/4 of...
  39. T

    Personal Statement & Masters

    After being declined in 2016/2017, I just completed a MS biology program with a 4.0 but completed undergrad with a pretty low GPA (3.2). I feel like I need to bring up the fact that my improvement shows that I can handle the high-level coursework. But I'm not sure how to talk about it other than...
  40. J

    To Post-bac or not to post-bac

    Hi everyone! Was hoping to get some advice about what to do with the year coming up. I am applying next month to both MD and DO, though MD is preferred and have also applied for a post-bac master's starting this fall. I think if I do well in the post-bac, I have a really good shot at getting...